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Offline Installs and Upgrades


This documentation provides instructions for installing or upgrading LogZilla in an offline environment. You can perform these actions by downloading a pre-built package from any system with internet access, such as a local laptop, and then manually transferring it to the offline LogZilla server.


  • A system with internet access to download the LogZilla offline package.
  • The offline LogZilla server where the installation or upgrade will occur.
  • Root access on the logzilla server

Downloading the LogZilla Offline Package

On any system with internet access:

  1. Download the Offline Package:

    Download the pre-built LogZilla package from:

    You will be automatically redirected to the current newest version of the logzilla package.

  2. Transfer the Package:

    From the download above you'll get the newest LogZilla version package in the form of logzilla-v6.x.y.tar.gz. For all commands below please replace logzilla-v6.x.y.tar.gz with the actual name of the file you downloaded.

    Manually transfer the downladed file logzilla-v6.x.y.tar.gz to your offline LogZilla server using a USB drive, SCP, RSYNC, or any other file transfer method.

Installation on the Offline LogZilla Server

All commands in the sections below must be run as the root user.

New Installation

IMPORTANT: This method is ONLY for new installs, for upgrades, refer to the Upgrade Procedure section below.

For new installations on the offline server:

  1. Extract the LogZilla Package:

    tar xzvf /path/to/logzilla-v6.x.y.tar.gz

    This will create a directory named logzilla-v6.x.y in the current directory.

  2. Run the Installation Script:

    Navigate to the directory where you extracted the files and run:

    cd logzilla-v6.x.y
  3. License Retrieval and Startup:

    After installation, follow the on-screen instructions to retrieve the license and start LogZilla.

Upgrade Procedure

For upgrading an existing installation:

  1. Extract the LogZilla Package:

    tar xzvf /path/to/logzilla-v6.x.y.tar.gz
  2. Run the Upgrade Command:

    From the directory where you extracted the files, execute:

    cd logzilla-v6.x.y
    logzilla upgrade --offline-dir .
  3. Verify the Upgrade:

    After the upgrade, check the new version:

    logzilla version

    This should display the upgraded version number.

Example Walkthrough

Performing an Offline Upgrade

  1. Download and Transfer the Package:

    • Download logzilla-v6.31.8.tar.gz from
    • Transfer the file to the offline LogZilla server.
  2. Check currently installed version:

    root@logzilla-server:/tmp$ logzilla version
  3. Verify Internet Access Unreachable:

    This step is not necessary, it is here to show that the system we ran the upgrade on does not have internet access.

    root@logzilla-server:~$ ping
    ping: connect: Network is unreachable
  4. Extract the offline package:

    root@logzilla-server:~$ cd /tmp
    root@logzilla-server:/tmp$ tar xzvf logzilla-v6.31.8.tar.gz
  5. Begin the upgrade procedure:

    root@logzilla-server [tmp]:# logzilla upgrade --offline-dir /tmp/logzilla-v6.31.8
     lz.manager INFO     Loading /tmp/logzilla-offline/library-influxdb:1.8.10-alpine.tar.gz ...
     lz.manager INFO     Loading /tmp/logzilla-offline/library-postgres:15.2-alpine.tar.gz ...
     lz.manager INFO     Loading /tmp/logzilla-offline/library-redis:6.2.6-alpine.tar.gz ...
     lz.manager INFO     Loading /tmp/logzilla-offline/library-telegraf:1.20.4-alpine.tar.gz ...
     lz.manager INFO     Loading /tmp/logzilla-offline/logzilla-etcd:v3.5.7.tar.gz ...
     lz.manager INFO     Loading /tmp/logzilla-offline/logzilla-front:v6.31.8.tar.gz ...
     lz.manager INFO     Loading /tmp/logzilla-offline/logzilla-mailer:v6.31.8.tar.gz ...
     lz.manager INFO     Loading /tmp/logzilla-offline/logzilla-runtime:v6.31.8.tar.gz ...
     lz.manager INFO     Assuming version v6.31.8
     lz.manager INFO     Loading /tmp/logzilla-offline/logzilla-sec:v6.31.8.tar.gz ...
     lz.manager INFO     Loading /tmp/logzilla-offline/logzilla-syslogng:v6.31.8.tar.gz ...
    Starting LogZilla upgrade to 'v6.31.8'
     lz.setup   INFO     Setup init
     lz.docker  INFO     Decommission: queryupdatemodule, front
     lz.docker  INFO     Decommission: httpreceiver, celerybeat, queryeventsmodule-1
     lz.docker  INFO     Decommission: triggersactionmodule, gunicorn, aggregatesmodule-1, dictionarymodule, parsermodule, celeryworker
     lz.docker  INFO     Decommission: storagemodule-1
     lz.docker  INFO     Decommission: logcollector, telegraf, tornado, mailer
     lz.docker  INFO     Decommission: syslog
     lz.docker  INFO     Decommission: postgres
     lz.docker  INFO     Decommission: redis, influxdb
     lz.docker  INFO     Decommission: etcd
     lz.docker  INFO     Start: etcd
     lz.docker  INFO     Start: influxdb, redis
     lz.docker  INFO     Start: postgres
     lz.containers.postgres INFO     Running postgres v15 migration ...
     lz.containers.postgres INFO     Postgres v15 migration finished successfully
    Operations to perform:
      Apply all migrations: admin, api, auth, contenttypes, django_celery_beat, sessions
    Running migrations:
      No migrations to apply.
     lz.setup   INFO     Update group permissions
     lz.setup   INFO     Update internal triggers
     lz.docker  INFO     Start: syslog
     lz.docker  INFO     Start: logcollector, tornado, telegraf, mailer
     lz.docker  INFO     Start: storagemodule-1
     lz.docker  INFO     Start: triggersactionmodule, celeryworker, dictionarymodule, aggregatesmodule-1, gunicorn, parsermodule
     lz.docker  INFO     Start: celerybeat, httpreceiver, queryeventsmodule-1
     lz.docker  INFO     Start: queryupdatemodule, front
     lz.docker  INFO     Start: watcher
    LogZilla successfully upgraded to 'v6.31.8'
  6. Verify that the new version is running:

    root@logzilla-server [tmp]:# logzilla version