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LogZilla Rules

LogZilla Rules are how LogZilla can parse and rewrite log messages to extract the specific bits of useful information, as well as to rewrite the log message so that when you review the log messages the information shown is more useful to you. There are two types of LogZilla rules: rewrite rules, which are defined through simple JSON, YAML, or LUA rules, which are very powerful but are defined in lua programming language files. Both types of rules can be used at the same time, but be aware that lua rules are executed before rewrite rules, so that any data modifications or other actions taken by the lua rules will precede the execution of the rewrite rules.

Lua Rules

LogZilla’s powerful Lua rules open up a world of possibilities for customizing the way your network events are processed. By harnessing the flexibility of the Lua scripting language, you can create sophisticated rules tailored to your specific needs. Lua’s simplicity and versatility have made it a popular choice for application customization, and its integration with LogZilla enables you to take your event management to the next level.

The use of LPEG (Lua Parsing Expression Grammar) within LogZilla Lua rules offers a more efficient approach to pattern matching compared to traditional regular expressions. LPEG allows for faster event processing rates (EPS), ensuring that your LogZilla system can handle large volumes of data without sacrificing performance. This not only streamlines your network event management but also helps to optimize your overall system resources.

Creating LogZilla rules with Lua involves defining specific Lua functions and applying them to your LogZilla rules. This process enables you to achieve greater control over your network event management, giving you the power to create custom solutions that address your unique challenges. With LogZilla’s Lua rules, you can tailor your event processing to suit the specific requirements of your network infrastructure.

LogZilla’s implementation of Lua rules revolves around several fundamental concepts. In the following sections, we will delve deeper into these ideas.

Although Lua does support regular expressions, it is not advised to utilize them in this context. As an alternative, it is recommended to employ LPEG (Lua Parsing Expression Grammar), a more efficient pattern-matching technique specific to Lua. LPEG significantly enhances event processing rates (EPS or events-per-second) for LogZilla.

You can find practical examples of these files in the subsequent “Examples” section.

Implementing and Testing LogZilla Lua Rules

LogZilla requires two files for Lua “rewrite” rules: one containing the Lua logic for rule processing and another containing rule tests. The key element of the Lua rule file is a process function, that runs on every incoming log message. The key elements of the tests file are one or more individual tests, consisting of the data describing the incoming log event, and then the event data that would result from processing the rule. The tests file is mandatory, because it is critical in verifying that the rule behavior is as desired.

Name these files similarly, such as 123-ruletitle.lua for the Lua rule file and 123-ruletitle.tests.yaml for the tests file (e.g., 123-mswindows.lua and 123-mswindows.tests.yaml).

The Lua rule file is a plain text file containing only valid Lua code, while the tests file is a YAML text file describing a sample incoming log event and the expected event data after Lua rule processing.

A simple example demonstrates replacing the program field value of an incoming event with Unknown. It’s recommended to write the tests file before the rule file to clarify the input and processing the rule must handle.

When loading a new rule or testing it, LogZilla first verifies the Lua rule file’s validity, executes the process function within the Lua code, and provides the event function argument data as detailed in the tests file. LogZilla compares the modified event argument data with the tests file data, and if they match, the test is successful.

Tests files are written in YAML. The required structure for the tests file is to begin with a TEST_CASES list of objects, each of which is a single test case. Each test case consists of two objects, the event describing what data would be in the incoming event, and the expect, which indicates what the resultant event data would be after the rule runs.

For more complex cases involving extra_fields (for JSON data) and user_tags (for user tags set by the rule), the elements are followed by indented lines with sub-fields or elements of that dictionary.

In this straightforward example, the test file in valid YAML format appears as follows:

- event:
    program: "-"
    program: Unknown

This indicates that when the program field of a log event is -, the expected outcome after rule processing is for the program field to be Unknown.

The Lua rule must include a function called process that takes a single argument, typically named event. This function is executed once for every log event encountered by LogZilla, with the log event as the event function argument.

Considering the desired operation specified in the test file above, the corresponding rule file is:

function process(event)
    event.program = 'Unknown'

This Lua rule examines the program field of the log event. In all cases, the rule modifies the field to Unknown. This would not be a useful rule, it is just for demonstration purposes.

This rule and its accompanying test file are now prepared for use and can be checked for accuracy and validity. You can do this by using the logzilla rules test --path command-line utility, as demonstrated below:

$ logzilla rules test --path tut1.lua
================================== test session starts ==================================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-6.2.2, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /usr/bin/python3
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /tmp
collected 1 item

tut1.tests.yaml::test_case_1 PASSED                                              [100%]

================================== 1 passed in 0.02s ===================================

Upon executing the rules test command, LogZilla successfully validates the Lua code and confirms that the rule functions as expected.

To demonstrate a failure in verifying the results of rule processing, you can modify the tests as follows (so that the rule’s execution will not yield the indicated test result):

- event:
    program: "-"
    program: Unknown
- event:
    program: syslog
    program: syslog

Now, when you run logzilla rules test --path tut1.lua, you’ll receive the following result:

$ logzilla rules test --path tut1.lua
================================== test session starts ==================================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-6.2.2, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /usr/bin/python3
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /tmp
collected 2 items

tut1.tests.yaml::test_case_1 PASSED                                              [ 50%]
tut1.tests.yaml::test_case_2 FAILED                                              [100%]

======================================= FAILURES =======================================
_____________________________ tut1.tests.yaml::test_case_2 _____________________________
Failed test at /tmp/tut1.tests.yaml:6:
- event:
    program: syslog
    program: syslog

Event before:
cisco_mnemonic: ''
counter: 1
facility: 0
first_occurrence: 1617280957288796
host: ''
id: 0
last_occurrence: 1617280957288796
message: Some random message
program: syslog
severity: 0
status: 0
user_tags: {}

Event after:
cisco_mnemonic: ''
counter: 1
facility: 0
first_occurrence: 1617280957288796
host: ''
id: 0
last_occurrence: 1617280957288796
message: Some random message
program: Unknown
severity: 0
status: 0
user_tags: {}

Error: Wrong value of program, got: "Unknown", expected: "syslog"
================================= short test summary info =================================
FAILED ../../../tmp/tut1.tests.yaml::test_case_2 - Wrong value of program, got: "Unkn...
================================= 1 failed, 1 passed in 0.02s ==============================

This result shows that the first test was successful, but the second one failed. The output displays the log event details before and after rule execution, along with a detailed explanation of the discrepancies between the expected and received results.

In this example, to adjust the rule so that the given test passes, you can modify the rule as follows:

function process(event)
    if event.program == '-' then
        event.program = 'Unknown'

This alteration ensures that the rule only modifies the program field of the event when that program field is -. This will make the first test meet the condition and execute the conditional behavior, while the second test will not meet the condition, leaving the program field unchanged.

Now, when tested, the rule will pass:

$ logzilla rules test --path tut1.lua
================================== test session starts ==================================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-6.2.2, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /usr/bin/python3
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /tmp
collected 2 items

tut1.tests.yaml::test_case_1 PASSED                                              [ 50%]
tut1.tests.yaml::test_case_2 PASSED                                              [100%]

================================== 2 passed in 0.02s ===================================

At this point, you can add the rule to LogZilla:

$ logzilla rules add tut1.lua
Rule tut1 added and enabled
Reloading rules ...
Rules reloaded

You can verify the addition:

$ logzilla rules list
Name            Source    Type    Status
--------------  --------  ------  --------
600-lz-program  system    lua     enabled
tut1            user      lua     enabled

This process should be followed when implementing new rules: create the tests file, create the rule, test the rule, and add the rule. At this point, the rule will be active and will run upon receipt of every log message. If desired, you can perform further verification using the logzilla sender command to process actual (predefined) log messages and view the results in the LogZilla user interface.

Handling Errors

There are three types of errors that can be encountered when adding new rules to LogZilla: the rule can be invalid Lua and be unable to be interpreted; the rule can result in a Lua execution failure while running (a runtime error), or the results of rule execution do not match the expected results as detailed in the tests file.

Invalid Lua Errors

Invalid Lua errors are recognized when adding the rule. An example of such an error would be:

junction process(event)
    if event.program == '-' then
        event.program = 'Unknown'

This example states junction rather than function, causing the Lua interpreter to not understand the intent.

Now, when testing or loading the rule, the following error would be received:

$ logzilla rules test --path err.lua
================================== test session starts ==================================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-6.2.2, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /usr/bin/python3
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /tmp
collected 1 item

err.tests.yaml::test_case_1 ERROR                                                [100%]

======================================== ERRORS ========================================
____________________ ERROR at setup of err.tests.yaml::test_case_1 _____________________
Error in rule /tmp/err.lua
-> junction process(event)
       if event.program == '-' then
           event.program = 'Unknown'

Error loading rule err.lua
sol: syntax error: /tmp/err.lua:1: '=' expected near 'process'
-------------------------------- Captured stderr setup ---------------------------------
[sol3] An error occurred and has been passed to an error handler: sol: syntax error: /tmp/err.lua:1: '=' expected near 'process'
 lz.Rule    WARNING  Rule err.lua validation errors:
 lz.Rule    WARNING  ... sol: syntax error: /tmp/err.lua:1: '=' expected near 'process'
---------------------------------- Captured log setup ----------------------------------
WARNING Rule err.lua validation errors:
WARNING ... sol: syntax error: /tmp/err.lua:1: '=' expected near 'process'
================================= short test summary info ================================
ERROR ../../../tmp/err.tests.yaml::test_case_1 - Error loading rule err.lua
=================================== 1 error in 0.34s ===================================

This output details the location and nature of the problem:

Error in rule /tmp/err.lua
-> junction process(event)

shows the actual source code line with the problem, and sol: syntax error: /tmp/err.lua:1: '=' expected near 'process' details the nature of the error (in this case, this is indicating that Lua is interpreting junction as a variable declaration and is expecting it to be followed by = and the variable value).

Since the rule is not valid Lua, the tests file cannot be run (to determine if the expected results match those returned).

Handling Errors

There are three types of errors that can be encountered when adding new rules to LogZilla: the rule can be invalid Lua and be unable to be interpreted; the rule can result in a Lua execution failure while running (a runtime error), or the results of rule execution do not match the expected results as detailed in the tests file.

Invalid Lua Errors

Invalid Lua errors are recognized when adding the rule. An example of such an error would be:

junction process(event)
    if event.program == '-' then
        event.program = 'Unknown'

This example states junction rather than function, causing the Lua interpreter to not understand the intent.

Now, when testing or loading the rule, the following error would be received:

$ logzilla rules test --path err.lua
================================== test session starts ==================================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-6.2.2, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /usr/bin/python3
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /tmp
collected 1 item

err.tests.yaml::test_case_1 ERROR                                                [100%]

======================================== ERRORS ========================================
____________________ ERROR at setup of err.tests.yaml::test_case_1 _____________________
Error in rule /tmp/err.lua
-> junction process(event)
       if event.program == '-' then
           event.program = 'Unknown'

Error loading rule err.lua
sol: syntax error: /tmp/err.lua:1: '=' expected near 'process'
-------------------------------- Captured stderr setup ---------------------------------
[sol3] An error occurred and has been passed to an error handler: sol: syntax error: /tmp/err.lua:1: '=' expected near 'process'
 lz.Rule    WARNING  Rule err.lua validation errors:
 lz.Rule    WARNING  ... sol: syntax error: /tmp/err.lua:1: '=' expected near 'process'
---------------------------------- Captured log setup ----------------------------------
WARNING Rule err.lua validation errors:
WARNING ... sol: syntax error: /tmp/err.lua:1: '=' expected near 'process'
================================= short test summary info ================================
ERROR ../../../tmp/err.tests.yaml::test_case_1 - Error loading rule err.lua
=================================== 1 error in 0.34s ===================================

This output details the location and nature of the problem:

Error in rule /tmp/err.lua
-> junction process(event)

shows the actual source code line with the problem, and sol: syntax error: /tmp/err.lua:1: '=' expected near 'process' details the nature of the error (in this case, this is indicating that Lua is interpreting junction as a variable declaration and is expecting it to be followed by = and the variable value).

Since the rule is not valid Lua, the tests file cannot be run (to determine if the expected results match those returned).

Lua Execution Errors

Lua execution errors are errors in which, although the Lua code is syntactically and grammatically correct and is “understood” by Lua, running the Lua rule results in an error or failure condition (before completion).

An example of a Lua rule exhibiting this scenario:

function process(event)
    if event.program == '-' then
        event.program = 'Unknown'

As shown, call_some_unexistent_function() is understood by Lua to be a request for execution of that function, and thus is valid Lua. However, upon execution, since no such function was defined in the rule, Lua is unable to find and execute that function and is unable to complete execution.

The following error would be received:

$ logzilla rules test --path err.lua
================================== test session starts ==================================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.5, pytest-6.2.2, py-1.10.0, pluggy-0.13.1 -- /usr/bin/python3
cachedir: .pytest_cache
rootdir: /tmp
collected 1 item

err.tests.yaml::test_case_1 FAILED                                               [100%]

======================================= FAILURES =======================================
_____________________________ err.tests.yaml::test_case_1 ______________________________
Error in rule /tmp/err.lua
   function process(event)
->     call_some_unexistent_function()
       if event.program == '-' then
           event.program = 'Unknown'

sol: runtime error: /tmp/err.lua:2: attempt to call global 'call_some_unexistent_function' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
    /tmp/err.lua:2: in function </tmp/err.lua:1>
--------------------------------- Captured stderr call ---------------------------------
2021-04-06 14:48:11.785641 lz.parser WARNING Error in LUA rule: /tmp/err.lua:2: attempt to call global 'call_some_unexistent_function' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
    /tmp/err.lua:2: in function </tmp/err.lua:1>
2021-04-06 14:48:11.785685 lz.parser WARNING Failure of rule err.lua
================================ short test summary info ================================
FAILED ../../../tmp/err.tests.yaml::test_case_1 - sol: runtime error: /tmp/err.lua:2:...
================================== 1 failed in 0.02s ===================================

Like the previous example, the error text indicates the line, location, and reason for the error, but also (for more advanced users) includes the “stack trace” showing the (nested) function execution resulting in the error.

Runtime Errors That Pass Tests

In some scenarios, the rule will pass tests (including syntax/grammar, execution, and results validation), but when used “live,” it will result in errors.

An example scenario would be similar to the above rule with the invalid function call_some_unexistent_function() but attempting to execute it only in certain conditions (in this case, a condition not exercised by the tests file, which reinforces the need for the tests file to check all “types” of log messages received by the rule):

function process(event)
    if event.program == "somespecialprogram" then
    if event.program == '-' then
        event.program = 'Unknown'

Because the error code was not executed during the test, this rule would be added and would go “live.” Then in “real” operation, it could result in errors. The fact that in-use errors are being encountered would be revealed by listing the rules, logzilla rules list:

$ logzilla rules list
Name           Source    Type    Status    Errors
-------------  --------  ------  --------  --------
err            user      lua     enabled   3

This indicates that for all the events received by LogZilla (and processed by the rule), three of those events resulted in the rule failing.

When rules failures are encountered “live,” the details of the errors encountered can be displayed using:

$ logzilla rules errors err
Rule err, 3 errors in last hour:
Time: 2021-04-20 07:50:11

    cisco_mnemonic: ''
    counter: 1
    facility: 0
    first_occurrence: 1618905011.405836
    host: Host1
    id: 0
    last_occurrence: 1618905011.405836
    message: Message nr 1
    program: fail
    severity: 0
    status: 0
    user_tags: {}

    /etc/logzilla/rules/user/err.lua:5: attempt to call global 'unknown_function' (a nil value)
    stack traceback:
            /etc/logzilla/rules/user/err.lua:5: in function </etc/logzilla/rules/user/err.lua:1>

This provides the method for understanding the error so that it can be corrected.

Note: For any given rule, LogZilla has a limit on the number of errors per hour that can be encountered before the rule is automatically disabled – by default, five errors per hour. Any rule that reaches this limit becomes disabled and will no longer be run for each incoming log event.

The fact that rule execution has been disabled might be noticed in that any LogZilla display or trigger elements depending on that rule execution cease to work. In addition, the error condition can be manually revealed:

$ logzilla rules list
Name           Source    Type    Status    Errors
-------------  --------  ------  --------  --------
err            user      lua     disabled  5

The rule failure would also be exhibited in LogZilla logs (logzilla logs):

2021-04-20 08:01:33.186795 [parsermodule] lz.parser WARNING Failure of rule err.lua on event Event({"id":0,"severity":1,"facility":0,"message":"Message nr 2","host":"Host2","program":"fail","cisco_mnemonic":"","first_occurrence":1618905692885420,"last_occurrence":1618905692885420,"counter":1,"status":0,"user_tags":{}}):
/etc/logzilla/rules/user/err.lua:5: attempt to call global 'unknown_function' (a nil value)
stack traceback:
    /etc/logzilla/rules/user/err.lua:5: in function </etc/logzilla/rules/user/err.lua:1>
2021-04-20 08:01:34.108472 [parsermodule/1] lz.ParserModule WARNING Reached limit of errors in rule err (limit: 5, errors: 5),  disabling rule.

When the rule is corrected (in this example possibly by providing the missing unknown_function()), the rule can be re-added to LogZilla, to update that rule and re-enable it: logzilla rules add myrule.lua -f to add the rule, resulting in:

$ logzilla rules list
Name           Source    Type    Status    Errors
-------------  --------  ------  --------  --------
err            user      lua     enabled   -

In unusual circumstances, the rule can be re-enabled without changing it, using logzilla rules enable - this will also reset the error counter and clean the error log for the given rule (the old error messages would still be available via logzilla logs).

Finally, the error limit can be configured by the logzilla config RULE_ERROR_LIMIT command, which sets the rate (per hour) of failures that result in disabling of the rule (as mentioned, this value is 5 by default).