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Watchguard Firewall and Proxy

Watchguard Technologies produces hardware units for firewall, proxy, email, and network security services.

App Function

This app first checks to see if the incoming log message is a Watchguard log message, and if so it performs four functions: first, it sets the message program name to Watchguard plus the "area" name. Second, it regenerates the log message text to remove the timestamp (to enable de-duplication). Third, it sets a few universal user tags (as indicated below). Fourth, it sets specific user tags depending on the log message type (corresponding to the type of event being logged).

Vendor Documentation

Incoming Log Format

The log messages are syslog messages comprised of a msg_id indicator followed by a short phrase explaining the particular event being logged. That phrase may contain additional data such as IP addresses within it, but from message-to-message there is no consistent location or demarcation of the data fields. Instead, each different message id corresponds to a different message "template", which then indicates which portions of the message phrase contain data of interest. See the examples below.

Parsed Metadata Fields

As mentioned above, the Watchguard event id is used to look up the corresponding message severity level, the message "area", and a name indicating the particular event being logged. The levels include INFO, WARN, and ERROR. The areas include:

Firewall / Packet Filter
Proxy / Connection Framework Manager
Proxy / FTP
Proxy / SMTP
Proxy / DNS
Proxy / H.323
Proxy / HTTP
Proxy / HTTPS
Proxy / IMAP
Proxy / POP3
Proxy / SIP
Proxy / TCP-UDP

There are too many message event names to list here.

From the message contents the following user tags are created:

Field / User Tag Name Example High-Cardinality?
app_beh_name connect
app_name World Wide Web HTTP
cat_name Network Protocols
details (see below)
disposition Allow
dst_port 80
inif Firebox
msg Application identified
outif 0-External
pcy_name HTTP-00
policy_name HTTP-00
port 513
protocol tcp
reason timeout
src_port 4107
status offline
user James@Firebox-DB

Example details value:

Policy Name: HTTPS-proxy-00 Reason: high APT threat detected Task_UUID:
d09445005c3f4a9a9bb78c8cb34edc2a Source IP: Source Port:
43130 Destination IP: Destination Port: 443 Proxy Type:
HTTP Proxy Host: Path: /docs/lastline-demo-sample.exe

Log Examples

IP Already On Blocked List

msg_id="3000-002A" IP address will not be added to the
blocked sites list because it already exists.

Quota Usage for User

msg_id="3000-0065" User James@Firebox-DB used 21 MB of the bandwidth
quota (100 MB) and used 1 minute of the time quota (3 minutes).

DNS Parse Error

msg_id="1DFF-0003" Deny 1-Trusted 0-External udp
56704 53 msg="ProxyDeny: DNS parse error" (DNS-proxy-00)

API Threat Notified

msg_id="0F01-0015" APT threat notified. Details=''Policy Name:
HTTPS-proxy-00 Reason: high APT threat detected Task_UUID:
d09445005c3f4a9a9bb78c8cb34edc2a Source IP: Source Port:
43130 Destination IP: Destination Port: 443 Proxy
Type: HTTP Proxy Host: Path: