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LogZilla Network Communications

LogZilla is able to receive communications via both TCP and UDP, over multiple ports, and with different information formats.

The first type of communication LogZilla receives is syslog. LogZilla can receive syslog packets in both RFC 3164 (BSD) and RFC 5424 formats. By default, LogZilla is configured to receive RFC 3164 on port 514, via both protocols TCP and UDP. By default LogZilla is configured to receive RFC 5424 on port 601 via TCP.

In addition to syslog, LogZilla is able to receive raw data, not formatted in syslog (either RFC) format. This communication by default is via both TCP and UDP, to port 516 (any text data), and TCP only, to port 515 (JSON data). The "raw" port is useful for devices that send non-syslog or malformed syslog data, though in order for LogZilla to make use of these log events, an app or rule must be used to interpret the data.

The raw port can be configured using the logzilla config command, for either SYSLOG_RAW_PORT or SYSLOG_RAW_UDP_PORT, or SYSLOG_JSON_PORT for the JSON port.

root@demo [~]:# logzilla config SYSLOG_RAW_PORT 516

The LogZilla user interface is available via HTTP(s) on ports 80 and 443 by default. Additionally, those same ports can be used for event reception via HTTP/HTTPS as noted in Section 7.15

Some of the default ports can be re-configured via the following configuration settings:

Configuration Option Default Description
SYSLOG_BSD_TCP_PORT 514 TCP port for incoming RFC3164/BSD syslog messages
SYSLOG_BSD_UDP_PORT 514 UDP port for incoming RFC3164/BSD syslog messages
SYSLOG_RFC5424_PORT 601 TCP port for incoming RFC5424 syslog messages
SYSLOG_JSON_PORT 515 TCP port for incoming raw (non-syslog) JSON messages
SYSLOG_RAW_PORT 516 TCP port for incoming raw (non-syslog) messages
SYSLOG_RAW_UDP_PORT 516 UDP port for incoming raw (non-syslog) messages