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The LogZilla API

The LogZilla API is available to standard HTTP/HTTPS requests. This can be accomplished via wget/curl or any tool capable of sending GET/POST, etc. commands. LogZilla API access is restricted so that only specified users are allowed access. This is accomplished via auth tokens as described below.

Authentication (Auth Tokens)

All API functions (and receipt of events via HTTP) require authentication via an authorization token. An auth token is a long sequence of alphanumeric digits, which represents a "key" that is associated with a particular user. When this auth token is provided to LogZilla, LogZilla can verify that the particular token has been configured to allow API or "back-end" access. Each auth token should be kept private, because it can be used to authorize access to the data stored in LogZilla. Each auth token will persist indefinitely, until specifically revoked as described below.

Administrator or "root" access should be used in dealing with auth tokens (this can be accomplished via privileged login or via sudo).

To manage tokens, administrators may use the logzilla authtoken CLI tool:

# logzilla authtoken -h
usage: authtoken [-h] [-d] [-q] {create,revoke,info,list} ...

LogZilla AuthToken manipulation

positional arguments:
    create              create new token
    revoke              revoke new token
    info                show token info
    list                list all active tokens

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d, --debug           debug mode
  -q, --quiet           notify only on warnings and errors (be quiet).

Auth Token Management

Auth Token Generation

Use logzilla authtoken create to create a new auth token, as shown here:

Sample output:

root[~]: # logzilla authtoken create
No user specified (missing -U option). I'll create key for admin
The last line shows the auth token.

Auth Token Review

Currently usable auth tokens can be listed using logzilla authtoken list:

# logzilla authtoken list
Active tokens:
8210276eca565481f66677438ec454025a621e05d7df2a80 created: 2022-05-12 14:37:51.769886+00:00; user: admin

Details for an auth token can be examined via logzilla authtoken info:

# logzilla authtoken info 8210276eca565481f66677438ec454025a621e05d7df2a80
Token: 8210276eca565481f66677438ec454025a621e05d7df2a80
User: admin
Created: 2022/05/12 14:37:51

Auth Token Revocation

Auth tokens can be "revoked", which will effectively delete them and prevent any access or usage of LogZilla from that point on. This is done via logzilla authtoken revoke:

# logzilla authtoken revoke 8210276eca565481f66677438ec454025a621e05d7df2a80
Token 8210276eca565481f66677438ec454025a621e05d7df2a80 revoked.

Using the Auth Token

The authorization token may be provided to the API in two ways:

  • Authorization header
  • Via the AUTHTOKEN parameter used in a request URI

Header based

Using an authtoken in Authorization HTTP header:

Authorization: token 701a75372a019fc3b1572454a582a5705bc4e929d305694c

URI based

Using an authtoken in request URL:

POST /incoming?AUTHTOKEN=701a75372a019fc3b1572454a582a5705bc4e929d305694c


After creating the token, users can connect to the API using any POST/GET/PATCH/PUT, etc. command.

As outlined in HTTP Event Receiver, an example of this would be to send a log message into LogZilla using CURL:

curl \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: token 91289817dec1abefd728fab4f43aa58b5e6fa814f' \
  -X POST -d '{"message": "Test Message"}' \

Try it out

Users may try the API and get more documentation by visiting the address /api/docs on the LogZilla server.