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Command Line Utilities Reference

There are many linux shell scripts that assist with administration of LogZilla. Where appropriate those scripts are referred to elsewhere in the documentation. This section gives the entire list of scripts and their parameters.

These scripts are run via logzilla scriptname [action name] [arguments].

LogZilla Scripts

Note that all of these scripts accept a -h argument to give help on the script and any script actions.

manage archives of LogZilla event data

action name description
archive archive selected date range of events
remove remove archived data for the selected date range
migrate migrate old archives (older than v6.10) to the latest version to allow running queries without restore
example command example description
logzilla archives archive -E 5 archive events for the last five days
logzilla archives remove --ts-from 4/1/2020 --ts-to 5/1/2020 remove archived events from 4/1/2020 up to but not including 5/1/2020
logzilla archives migrate --ts-from 4/1/2020 --ts-to 5/1/2020 migrate archived events from 4/1/2020 to 5/1/2020 to current format so that queries can be run without restore

Create or revoke LogZilla user token

action name description
create create an authorization token
revoke revoke an authorization token
info show details for the specified token
list show list of all authtokens
example command example description
logzilla authtoken create -U someuser create authorization token for user someuser
logzilla authtoken create --ingest-only create authorization token for ingest
logzilla authtoken revoke dfcf2dee6113b33f89bbfc0be3ced0c02db2b9e28bf36499 revoke previously-created authorization token by token id
logzilla authtoken info dfcf2dee6113b33f89bbfc0be3ced0c02db2b9e28bf36499 show details for token with that id
logzilla authtoken list show all authtokens

config (also configmanager)
Manage LogZilla configuration settings

action name description
(none) list configuration settings
setting_name display setting
setting_ name (value) add or change value of setting
example command example description
logzilla config TIME_ZONE display configuration setting for time zone
logzilla config TIME_ZONE EST set configuration setting for time zone to EST

LogZilla dashboard import/export (or dashboard widgets)

action name description
list list all dashboards
export export dashboards
import import dashboards (format must be yaml)
performance run dashboard/widgets live-update benchmarks
remove delete specified dashboard(s)
example command example description
logzilla dashboards list *windows* list dashboards with title containing windows
logzilla dashboards list -w --dashboard-id 120 list the widgets on dashboard 120
logzilla dashboards list --widget-id 874 list just the widget for widget id 874
logzilla dashboards export -O my_dashboards.json -F json --owner myname write (complete) dashboards for owner myname as JSON to file my_dashboards.json
logzilla dashboards import --owner myname -I my_dashboards.yaml -p 1 import dashboards from file my_dashboards.yaml as belonging to user myname and set to public
logzilla dashboards performance list performance metrics for each dashboard by widget
logzilla dashboards remove mydashboard delete specified dashboard

Download LogZilla images

action name description
offline_dir directory to save compressed images to
example command example description
logzilla download /tmp/down download logzilla images to /tmp/down

Manage LogZilla event data

action name description
stats show # events, counters, deduplication
parser-stats show # processed events and throughput
cardinality show fields indexed and # values
fix-cardinality recalculate cardinality values
values show events fields and values
fix fix chunks for selected data range
tester test event flow
example command example description
logzilla events stats --ts-from 4/1/2020 --ts-to 5/1/2020 show # events, # counters, % dedup, and # dropped
logzilla events fix --ts-from 4/1/2020 --ts-to 5/1/2020 fix broken storage chunks (as indicated in logs)

Manage LogZilla event forwarder

action name description
print display current configuration
print-files display current configuration per files
import display configuration from given file
stats display forward statistics per target
example command example description
logzilla forwarder stats --ts-from 4/1/2020 --ts-to 5/1/2020 show # events, % dedup by target

Manage Logzilla HTTPS configuration

action name description
--on enable HTTPS
--off disable HTTPS
example command example description
logzilla https --on ~/certs/ssl.key ~/certs/ssl.cert enable HTTPS with given key & cert files for forwarding of events

Do not use.

Download and install or update LogZilla image files

action name description
(n/a) no named actions

Manage LogZilla kinesis agent

action name description
start start kinesis container
stop stop kinesis container
restart restart kinesis container
set-properties set kinesis properties
import import kinesis properties
export export kinesis properties
set-aws-credentials set kinesis AWS credentials
example command example description
logzilla kinesis set-properties --streamName "lz_kinesis_staging_stream" set the kinesis stream name for the LogZilla event stream
logzilla kinesis set-aws-credentials --aws-access-key dfcf2dee6113b33f89bb --aws-secret-key fc0be3ced0c02db2b9e28bf36499 set the AWS access tokens for kinesis

Manage LogZilla LDAP configuration

action name description
init initialize LDAP config
enable validate config file and enable LDAP
disable disable LDAP
test test current LDAP configuration settings

Manage LogZilla license

action name description
load load license from file
download download license
info show license information
key print host key
verify verify license
example command example description
logzilla license load ~/logzilla/license.txt load the LogZilla license

Deprecated. Use tail -f /var/log/logzilla/logzilla.log .

passwd (also password)
Set password for given user

action name description
(username) username to set password for
example command example description
logzilla passwd johndoe be prompted for new password for user johndoe

LogZilla action-line querying tool

action name alternate description
-d --debug debug mode
-q --quiet notify only on warnings and errors (be quiet)
--timezone specify the timezone for time-range parameters and exported data date formats (default: 'UTC')
-c --config path to config file, defaults to ~/.lz5query
-cu --config_update update config file with given user/password/base-url
-u --user username to authenticate
-p --password password to authenticate
-a --authtoken auth token to authenticate
-bu --base-url base url to the API
-t --type type of query to perform
-st --show-types show available query types
-P --params path to json file with query params
-O --output-file path to output file (format specified by --format)
--format output file format. If omitted, guesses from extension or defaults to JSON
example command example description
logzilla query --show-types show the types of queries that can be performed
logzilla query --config /tmp/tmpconfig.txt -t System_CPU --output-file /tmp/cpu_stats.json
logzilla query -P /tmp/params.json /tmp/params.json -t LastN show query results for type LastN using criteria in /tmp/params.json

Example config file (/tmp/tmpconfig.txt)


Example params file (/tmp/params.json)

    "field": "host",
    "limit": 5,
    "filter": [],
    "show_other": false,
    "time_range": {
        "preset": "last_3_days"

Restart LogZilla

action name description
(n/a) no named actions

Manage LogZilla rewrite rules

action name description
list list rewrite rules
reload reload rewrite rules
add add rewrite rule (accepts .yaml, .json, .lua file)
remove remove rewrite rule
export export rewrite rule
enable enable rewrite rule
disable disable rewrite rule
errors shows which rules are erroring and how many times
performance benchmark rules single-thread performance
test test rule(s) (against test files) for errors
example command example description
logzilla rules add newrule.yaml --name Unity add new rule from file with given name
logzilla rules test 100-existing-rule test existing rule for errors
logzilla rules test --path 100-new-rule.lua test new/not-loaded rule for errors

Example rule file for adding (newrule.yaml):

- match:
    field: message
    op: =*
    value: product="UnityOne"
    program: UnityOne
    Tipping Point Actions: $act
    Tipping Point App: $app
    Tipping Point Block Category: $act
    Tipping Point DHost: $dhost
    Tipping Point Device: $dvchost

Do not use.

Send log data to LogZilla or syslog, either read from file or generated

action name alternate arg example description
-z --zmq (n/a) Send data using ZeroMQ protocol
--zmq-target =tcp://parsermodule:11411 Where to send zmq data (defaults to tcp://parsermodule:11411)
--zmq-format =json_lines Either json_lines or eventpack (defaults to json_lines)
--zmq-timeout =0 Send timeout in milliseconds (for ZMQ transport only)
-s --syslog (n/a) Send data using Syslog protocol (default)
--syslog-target =localhost:32514 Where to send syslog data (defaults to localhost:32514)
--syslog-protocol =bsd Either bsd or rfc5424 (default bsd)
--syslog-transport =tcp Either tcp or udp (default tcp)
--octet-count (n/a) Use octet counting framing method for sending syslog messages
-S --shuffle (n/a) Shuffle read/generated data randomly
-R --random (n/a) Generate fields in random order
--read-messages (n/a) Read messages from given file (use - for stdin)
--read-full (n/a) Read full events from given TSV file (use - for stdin). Overrides --read-messages
--read-format =bsd Given TSV file format. Either bsd or rfc5424 (defaults to bsd)
-r --rate =0 0 Rate range of sending in packets per second, default 0 0 means no limit
-w --wrap (n/a) Wrap input data to get endless stream of data
-t --time =0 Finish sending after given number of seconds (usually used with -w and -r)
-n --number-of-events =0 Number of messages to generate (defaults to 10, unless reading from file)
--msg-priority ={{0..191}} Fixed priority or list of priorities (numbers 0 to 191, possibly separated by .. or ,)
--msg-host ={{hosta,hostb,hostc}} Fixed host or list of hosts
--msg-program ={{programa,programb,programc}} Fixed program or list of programs
--msg-body =Message nr {{1..32}} Fixed message body or list of such
--msg-user-tags (n/a) Fixed user tag or list of user tags (for ZMQ transport only).format: tag1_name=value1,tag2_name=value2
--pack-size =0 Pack messages (for ZMQ transport only) in packets of that size
--dedup-level =-1 Generate extra messages to reach given deduplication level (value in percent, allowed range: 0 - 100
--dedup-window =60 Value of dedup window on server, needed only with dedup-level
-l --log (n/a) Enable usage and counter logging using zmqlog
-v --verbose (n/a) Verbose mode (show progress while sending)
-d --debug (n/a) Debug mode (show every message sent)
--zero-ts (n/a) Set timestamps to zero so they will be set by parser (zmq only)
example command example description
logzilla sender --zero-ts --read-full mylog.tsv -w --syslog-target= --syslog-transport=udp --syslog-protocol=bsd -r 5 10 -v 5 send events from given file to given target at specified rate, marking events with current timestamp

Example events file for sending (mylog.tsv)

7 62443 80 offset 8 S 832026162 win 8192 blocked sites (Internal Policy)
0   nyc-m500    142 firewall    msg_id="3000-0173" Deny 0-External Firebox 52 tcp 20 127 62443 80 offset 8 S 832026162 win 8192 blocked sites (Internal Policy)
0   nyc-m500    142 firewall    msg_id="3000-0173" Deny 0-External Firebox 52 tcp 20 127 62443 80 offset 8 S 832026162 win 8192 blocked sites (Internal Policy)

Execute given command (default bash) in the specified LogZilla container.

action name alternate description
-c --container container to attach to

LogZilla configuration backup/restore tool

action name description
create create snapshot
restore restore LogZilla from snapshot
list list existing LogZilla snapshots
autoremove remove old snapshots
example command example description
logzilla snapshot create backup current LogZilla configuration
logzilla snapshot restore --id v6.11.0-dev5_20200601T095908.462993Z restore given LogZilla configuration

LogZilla maximum EPS estimator

action name description
(n/a) no named actions
example command example description
logzilla speedtest show LogZilla current performance metrics

Start LogZilla

action name description
(n/a) no named actions

Stop LogZilla

action name description
(n/a) no named actions

LogZilla triggers import/export tool

action name description
list list all non-default triggers
export export triggers
import import triggers
delete delete triggers
update update given trigger
performance run trigger benchmarks

example trigger import file:

  - field: message
    op: qp
    - entered forwarding state
  mark_known: true
  name: entered forwarding state
  send_webhook_method: GET
  send_webhook_ssl_verify: true

example command example description
logzilla triggers list *cisco* list triggers containing the word cisco
logzilla triggers import -I new_trigger.yaml --owner johndoe import new trigger with owner johndoe

Uninstall LogZilla

action name description
(n/a) no named actions

Upgrade LogZilla to latest version

action name description
(n/a) no named actions
example command example description
logzilla upgrade upgrade LogZilla to latest version
logzilla upgrade --version v6.1.0-rc7 upgrade LogZilla to a specific version

Show LogZilla version

action name description
(n/a) no named actions