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LogZilla Rules

LogZilla Rules are how LogZilla can parse and rewrite log messages to extract the specific bits of useful information, as well as to rewrite the log message so that when you review the log messages the information shown is more useful to you. There are two types of LogZilla rules: rewrite rules, which are defined through simple JSON or YAML files; and lua rules, which are very powerful but are defined in lua programming language files. Both types of rules can be used at the same time, but be aware that lua rules are executed before rewrite rules, so that any data modifications or other actions taken by the lua rules will precede the execution of the rewrite rules.

Rewrite Rule Files

Rewrite rules may be written in either JSON or YAML

Best Practice

When creating rewrite rules it is suggested to use the following syntax in the comment section of the rule. This makes testing easier in the future for other members of your team should they require it.

The comments should contain the following:

  • Name
  • Sample Log
  • Description
  • Category (generally one of the categories from FCAPS)

For example:

first_match_only: true
- field: host
  value: foo
- field: program
  value: bar*
- comment:
  - 'Severity: INFO'
  - 'Area: Firewall / Packet Filter'
  - 'Name: IPv4 source route attack'
  - 'Sample: msg_id="3000-0152" IPv4 source route attack from detected.'
  - 'Description: IPv4 source route attack was detected.'
  - 'Format: IPv4 source route attack from %s detected.'
  - 'Variables: IPv4 source route from ${src} detected.'
    value: msg_id="3000-0152"
    op: "=~"
    field: message
    WatchGuard Firewall IPv4 Src: "${src}"
    WatchGuard Firewall Msg Ids: 3000-0152
    message: '$MESSAGE NEOMeta: area="Firewall / Packet Filter" name="IPv4 source
      route attack" description="IPv4 source route attack was detected."'
    program: WatchGuard_Firewall
<truncated for brevity>

Rule Overview

Each rule must define a match condition and at least one of the following:

  • rewrite: a key-value map of fields and their eventual values
  • replace: replace one or all occurrences of one substring with another
  • tokenize: handle messages in tsv, csv, or similar formats
  • drop: a boolean flag indicating the matched event should be ignored/dropped (not inserted into LogZilla).

All types of rules only modify events that match their filter,

Drop rules are the simplest - except for match, they are just drop: true

Replace rules must define what field it should run regex replace on (replace).

Tokenize rules must have a tokenize section, defining the fields used and optionally separator. Tokenize rules must define what fields to rewrite (rewrite), and/or what tags to set (tag).

In all other cases, if a rule does not define tokenize, replace or drop, it is a rewrite rule. Rewrite rules must define what fields to rewrite (rewrite), and/or what tags to set (tag).

Basic Rule Example

  field: host
  - host_a
  - host_b
  program: new_program_name
  host: new_host_name
In this example, the rule above changes the incoming event in the following manner:

  1. Match on either host_a or host_b
  2. Set the program field to new_program_name
  3. Set the host field to new_host_name

Rule Syntax

Match Conditions

  • match may be a single condition or an array of conditions.
  • If match is an array, it will only match if ALL conditions are met (implied AND).
  • Each condition must define a field and value along with an optional op (match operator).
  • value may be a string or an array of strings.
  • If value is an array, the condition will be met if ANY element of the array matches (implied OR).

Valid match examples:

- match:
  - field: program
    - program_a
    - program_b
  - field: host
    op: ne
  - field: message
    op: "=~"
    value: "\\d+foo\\s?(bar)"
    program: "$1"


Operators control the way the match condition is applied. If no op is supplied, the default operator eq is assumed.

Operator Match Type Description
eq String or Integer Matches the entire incoming message against the string/integer specified in the match condition
ne String or Integer Does not match anything in the incoming message match field.
gt Integer Only Incoming integer value is greater than this number
lt Integer Only Incoming integer value is less than this number
ge Integer Only Incoming integer value is greater than or equal to this number
le Integer Only Incoming integer value is less than or equal to this number
=~ RegEx Match based on RegEx pattern
!~ RegEx Does not match based on RegEx pattern
=* String Given substring appears anywhere in the incoming message
!* String Given substring does not appear anywhere in the incoming message

When searching for strings with operators eq or ne, special characters ? and * can be used as a wildcard to match any character or characters. It can be placed at the start of a string, at the end of a string, or in the middle of a string. Note that you cannot search for the literal characters * or ? using this method.

Rewriting Fields

To transform an incoming event into a new string, use the rewrite keyword.

When replacing incoming event parts, the rules can reuse events from the original field's values in three ways:

  1. Capturing RegEx sub-matches
  2. key/value parsing of the incoming MESSAGE field
  3. Full string values of incoming MESSAGE, HOST and/or PROGRAM fields
  4. Combinations of the above (i.e. these features may be used together in a single rule)

To replace parts from field RegEx operators in a rewrite, one or more of its values must contain capture references.

These RegEx capture references must not be escaped. Example: $1, $2, $3, etc.

  • $1 is the correct way to replace the value with the captured RegEx.
  • \$1 would match $1 literally (and would not reference the RegEx captured).
  • One (and exactly one) match condition must capture these sub-matches.
  • The value must be a RegEx string with at least as many captures used by the rewrite fields.
  • The condition must have the op (operator) set as a RegEx operator, e.g.: "=~".
  • If the operator type (op) is excluded, eq will be assumed.

RegEx Rewrite Example

The following rule rewrites a program field on events not originating from the host named

  1. Match on the message field
  2. Use the RegEx operator of =~
  3. Match on any message containing either of the strings set in the value
  4. Do not consider this a match if the host is
  5. If the above criteria are met, set the program name to $1 (the RegEx capture obtained from the value in the match statement).
- field: message
  op: "=~"
  - output of program (\w+)
  - error while running (\w+)
- field: host
  op: ne
  program: "$1"

Automatic key-value detection

LogZilla automatically detects events containing key="value" pairs. This feature allows users to avoid having to write Regular Expression patterns to extract/use the values provided in KV pairs and simply use the value portion using the variable of ${key}.

To use these values, one or more of the rewrite fields must reference an unescaped key variable (${key}) from the incoming event. The key will automatically be replaced only if the text of the message contains that key.

At least one explicit match condition must still be applied in order to tell LogZilla to process that event using this rule.

For example, the following rule will rewrite the entire message of an incoming Juniper event (which uses key="value" pairs).

Sample Original Incoming Message (before rewrite):

Note: the sample message below is only the message itself and doesn't include the host, pri, or program.

2017-07-03T12:23:33.146 SRX5800 RT_FLOW - RT_FLOW_SESSION_CREATE [[email protected] source-address="" source-port="46157" destination-address="" destination-port="443" service-name="junos-https" nat-source-address="" nat-source-port="46157" nat-destination-address="" nat-destination-port="443" src-nat-rule-name="None" dst-nat-rule-name="SSL-vpn" protocol-id="6" policy-name="SSL" source-zone-name="intn" destination-zone-name="dmz" session-id-2="3341217" username="N/A" roles="N/A" packet-incoming-interface="eth0.1"]

Desired Outcome:

  1. Match on the incoming message field using a RegEx operator.
  2. Rewrite the entire message using the values contained in each of the original event's keys as well as the extra captured RegEx from this rule.
  3. Set the program name to Juniper.
  4. Create a second match condition and match on the Juniper program set in the first match.
  5. Use RegEx to find out if the message contains the word reason
  6. If it does contain a reason value, then add that reason to the message.
- match:
    field: message
    op: "=~"
    value: "(\\S+) (\\S+) \\S+ - RT_FLOW_(SESSION_\\w+)"
    message: "$3 reason=${reason} src=${source-address} dst=${destination-address}
      src-port=${source-port} dst-port=${destination-port} service=${service-name}
      policy=${policy-name} nat-src=${nat-source-address} nat-src-port=${nat-source-port}
      nat-dst=${nat-destination-address} nat-dst-port=${nat-destination-port} src-nat-rule=${src-nat-rule-name}
      dst-nat-rule=${dst-nat-rule-name} protocol=${protocol-id} src-zone=${source-zone-name}
      dst-zone=${destination-zone-name} session-id=${session-id-32} ingress-interface=${packet-incoming-interface}
      $2 $1"
    program: Juniper
- match:
  - value: Juniper
    field: program
  - value: "(.+?) reason= (.+)"
    field: message
    message: "$1 $2"

Key-Value Custom Delimiters and Separators

In LogZilla, KV pairs are detected using a default separator (the character separating each key from the value) as = and the default delimiter (the character on either end of the value) as ". For example: key="value"

For custom environments where KV pairs may use something else, LogZilla rules may also be customized to accommodate by including a kv name in the rule definition itself, for example:

- match:
    field: message
    op: "=~"
    value: RT_FLOW_SESSION_\w+
    message: "${reason}"
    separator: ":"
    delimiter: ''

The example above changes the kv separator to : and defines an empty delimiter, allowing the key-value parser to correctly recognize a foo:bar format instead of the default key="value" format. There are two rules that aren't customizable at the moment: 1. Keys cannot contain non-alphanumeric characters except for _ and -. 2. separator cannot be an empty string.

Pair separator

For more complex events you may want to split the message into pairs before looking for a specific key and value inside every part. To do so you can define a pair_separator inside the kv field. For values that can contain spaces and do not have any delimiter, this is the only way to correctly parse the message. For example, with the following message:

field1=some value,field2=other value

to get "some value" under ${field1}, define a kv as follows:

  delimiter: ''
  separator: "="
  pair_separator: ","

Note: you cannot define both an empty delimiter and empty pair_separator.

The rewrite keyword

The rewrite keyword may also be used to "recall" any of:

  1. Message (the message itself)
  2. Host - The host name
  3. Program - The program name

rewrite Example

  message: "$PROGRAM run on $HOST: $MESSAGE"

Dropping events - drop keyword

To completely ignore events coming into LogZilla, use "drop": true.

This can be used to remove noise and only focus on important events.

Note that drop cannot be used with any keyword except match.

Drop example

The following example shows how to completely ignore diagnostic messages from a program called thermald.

- match:
  - field: program
    value: thermald
  - field: severity
    op: ge
    value: 6
  drop: true

Operator "ge" means greater or equal, so it only drops events of severity 6 (informational) and 7 (debug).

Skipping after first match - first_match_only flag

The first_match_only flag tells the Parser to stop trying to match events on each subsequent rule in that rule file after the first time it matches. This is useful when there is a need to rewrite a field based on an array of rules which are mutually exclusive. Additionally, using first_match_only can save a lot of processing time on larger files.

Note that this flag only affects the scope of this current rule file (not all JSON files in /etc/logzilla/rules.d/). Regardless of whether or not any of these rules match, other rule files which do make a match will still be applied.


  • Because this is a large ruleset and there's no need to continue parsing after the first match, we use first_match_only to save processing time as we know the others won't match anyway.
  • The last rule is a catch-all. If no matches are made on the well-known ports defined above it, we tell the rule to set the tag to dynamic.
  • Note: the rule below has been truncated for brevity.
first_match_only: true
- match:
    field: ut_dst_port
    value: '1'
    ut_dst_port: rtmp
- match:
    field: ut_dst_port
    value: '60179'
    ut_dst_port: fido
- match:
    field: ut_dst_port
    op: "=~"
    value: "^\\d+$"
    ut_dst_port: dynamic

Comma Separated Values, Tab Separated Values, Other Delimited

When dealing with messages in a format of fields of defined order, separated with a single character, use a tokenize rule to easily rewrite them.

separator defaults to ',' so it can be skipped for csv messages.


match: field: message value: palo alto tokenize: separator: ',' fields: - incident - device - program - source_port - destination_port - unused_field rewrite: message: ${incident}, program: PaloAlto-${program}, tag: dst: ${destination_port} src: ${source_port}

Note: as indicated, the syntax for field reference is identical to key/value parser. Thus kv with tokenize cannot be used together in one rule. If both features are needed two consecutive rules should be used.

Extra Fields

LogZilla event handling is based on syslog-ng basic fields (TS, PRI, MESSAGE, HOST, PROGRAM) plus additional (cisco_mnemonic, status, user_tags). To pass other fields and use them in rewrite rules extra fields can be used. Extra fields properties:

* read-only (cannot be added, modified, deleted)
* schema less/nested
* limited life (available only in parser and forwarder)
* does not affect cardinality and size of the events in storage

Read-only extra fields can be used to provide other fields to parser rules. Extra fields can be nested::

message: Test message
host: testhost
    content: 'Extra Content: Foo bar'
    name: custom_program_name
    id: '123'
  - host1
  - host2
  - host3

To extract nested values from extra fields, the dot-separated path to field value should be provided (${extra:x.y.0) :

    "match": [
            "field": "host",
            "value": "testhost"
            "field": "${}",
            "value": "Extra Content:(\w+)"
    "rewrite": {
        "message": "$MESSAGE $1", # "Test message Extra Content: Foo bar"
        "program": "${}", # "custom_program_name"
        "host": "${extra:some_list.2}", # "host3"
    "tag": {"sample_id": ${} # "123"

yaml match: - field: host value: testhost - field: "${}" value: "Extra Content:(\w+)" rewrite: # "Test message Extra Content: Foo bar" message: "$MESSAGE $1" # "custom_program_name" program: "${}" # "host3" host: "${extra:some_list.2}" tag: sample_id: # "123" extra:

Note that extra field values are always converted to "string"

Syslog Structured Data

Extra field are used as a placeholder for additional syslog-ng fields:

- SDATA - rfc5424 structured data (key/value)
- MGSID - message id (string)
- PID - pid (string)

To use SDATA/MGSID/PID in the parser rule extra field accessors are used. Example raw line::

"... host1 prog1 - ID47[exampleSDID@0 iut="3" eventSource="Application" eventID="1011"][examplePriority@0 class="high"] Message1"

Parsed event::

HOST: host1
PROGRAM: prog1
MESSAGE: Message1
  PID: "-"
      iut: "3"
      eventSource: Application
      eventID: '1011'
      class: high

Usage in the parser rules::

  # "Message1 PriorityClass=high"
  message: "$MESSAGE PriorityClass=${extra:[email protected]}"
  # "Application"
  program: "${extra:[email protected]}"
  # "1011"
  eventID: ${extra:SDATA.eventID}

Text Substitution

To substitute a field text replace rules should be used. Replace rule configuration :

- `field` : field field (required)
- `expr` : substring regex (required)
- `fmt` : output text formatter (required)
- `ignore_case` : ignore case in expre (optional, default:true)
- `first_only` : replace only first expr occurrences (optional, default:false)

Example replace section::

- field: message
  expr: foo
  fmt: bar
- field: message
  expr: Foo
  fmt: bar
  ignore_case: false
- field: message
  expr: Foo
  fmt: bar
  ignore_case: false
  first_only: true
- field: message
  expr: \"
  fmt: "\""
- field: message
  expr: "(\\w+)=(\\w+)"
  fmt: "$2=$1"
- field: message
  expr: date=\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}(\s+)
  fmt: ''
- field: message
  expr: "\\s+$"
  fmt: ''

Built-in Parser Rules

LogZilla provides a small number of default, built-in rules that among other things handle: - rewriting the "program" field to the base (/usr/sbin/cron becomes cron) - setting "cisco_mnemonic" field for Cisco events - setting ip source and destination port in the event as tags - ignoring unnecessary programs (to increase the signal-to-noise ratio)

Rule Order

  • All JSON rules files contained in lz_syslog:/etc/logzilla/rules.d/ are processed in alphabetical order.
  • The Rules contained in each file are processed sequentially.
  • If there are multiple rules with the same matching criteria, the last rule wins.

Rule Order Example


- comment: rule1
    field: host
    value: host_a
    program: new_program_name


- comment: rule2
    field: host
    value: host_a
    program: new_program_name2


Events matching the filters above will have the following properties.

#### rule2
program: "new_program_name2"#### rule2


A command line tool logzilla rules may be used to perform various functions including:

  • list - List rewrite rules
  • reload - Reload rewrite rules
  • add - Add rewrite rule
  • remove - Remove rewrite rule
  • enable - Enable rewrite rule
  • disable - Disable rewrite rule
  • performance - Test rules single thread performance

To add your rule, simply type logzilla rules add myfile.json.

When a new json or yaml file is added it will be read in, there is no need to restart LogZilla.