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Command Line Query Tool

The logzilla query command is an "unofficial" command provided to allow direct queries to LogZilla using the command line. This tool may be useful for generating reports such as TopN hosts, etc., along with the ability to export to Excel.


  • When running logzilla query, you will need to be the root user (or a user who has access to the logzilla command).
  • The logzilla query command requires either -u USER -p PASSWORD OR an API key using the -a command.

Command Options

Parameter Alternate Description
-h --help Show help text
-d --debug Debug mode
-q --quiet Notify only on warnings and errors (be quiet)
--timezone TIMEZONE Specify the timezone for time-range parameters and exported data date formats
(default: 'UTC')
-c CONFIG --config CONFIG Specify path to config file, defaults to ~/.lz5query
-cu --config_update Update config file with given user/password/base-url
-u USER --user USER Username to authenticate
-p PASSWORD --password PASSWORD Password to authenticate
-a AUTHTOKEN --authtoken AUTHTOKEN Auth token to authenticate
-bu BASE_URL --base-url BASE_URL Base URL to the API
-t QTYPE --type QTYPE Type of query to perform
-st --show-types Show available query types
-P PARAMS --params PARAMS Path to JSON file with query parameters
-O OUTPUT_FILE --output-file OUTPUT_FILE Path to output file (format specified by --format)
--format {xlsx,json} Output file format. If omitted, guesses from extension or defaults to JSON

Query Types

The query types available can be listed using logzilla query -st. Those query types are listed below:

Query Type Description
Search List events including detail
EventRate Number of events per given time period
TopN Top N values for a given field and time period
LastN Last N values for a given field and time period
StorageStats LogZilla storage counters for given time period
ProcessingStats Number of events processed by LogZilla in a period
Notifications List notification groups with detail
Tasks LogZilla tasks with detail
System_CPU LogZilla host CPU usage
System_Memory LogZilla host memory usage
System_DF LogZilla host disk space free
System_IOPS LogZilla host IO operations per second
System_Network LogZilla host network usage
System_NetworkErrors LogZilla host network errors

The general way this command is used is to specify primarily the query type and any of the parameters for the query itself, some of which, depending on the query type, are necessary, and some optional. Use the remaining options as appropriate. The query type is specified using the -t or --type options. After specifying that option flag, put the query type name as listed in the query type column above. Then query parameters must be specified in a JSON file. The specific query types and their parameters are listed below.

Specifying Query Parameters

Query parameters must be specified as a JSON file, which must be indicated on the logzilla query command line. The query parameters are specified as a simple JSON object in the file. Examples:

Return only events with a counter greater than 5:

[ { "field": "counter", "op": "gt", "value": 5 } ]

Return events from host 'fileserver23' with severity 'ERROR' or higher:

[ { "field": "severity", "value": [0, 1, 2, 3] },
  { "field": "host", "value": "fileserver23" } ]

Return events from hosts "alpha" and "beta" matching "power failure" in event message text:

[ { "field": "message", "value": "power failure" },
  { "field": "host", "value": ["alpha", "beta"] } ]

Common Query Parameters

Although every query type has a particular list of parameters, there are some parameters used by most or all queries:

Time Range

Every query needs to have specified the start and end time of the period for which to retrieve data. For some queries, the list of sub-periods in a given period must also be specified - i.e., when getting events, some options would be all minutes in the last hour, or last 30 days, etc.

The time_range parameter is an object with the following fields:

  • ts_from: Timestamp (number of seconds from epoch) defining the beginning of the period. Use 0 (zero) to use the current time, or a negative number to specify time relative to the current time.

  • ts_to: Timestamp defining the end of the period. 0 or negative numbers can be used to get time relative to the current time.

  • step: If the query needs sub-periods, a step can be specified - such as 60 will create 1-minute periods, 900 will give you 15-minute periods, etc.; the default is set heuristically according to ts_from and ts_to - i.e., when you specify a 1-hour time range, the step will be set to 1 minute, for the range of 1 minute or less, the step will be one second, etc.

  • preset: Alternative to ts_from and ts_to; based on the timezone, determines the start of the day and uses corresponding ts_from, ts_to; available presets: 'today', 'yesterday'.

  • timezone: Determines the beginning of the day for the preset parameter; by default, the GLOBAL_TZ config value is used.

For query types which do not use sub-periods (such as "LastN"), only ts_from and ts_to are important (but still step and round_to_step can be used to round those values).


By default, every query operates on all data (according to the given time range), but for each, a compound parameter "filter" can be specified, which filters the returned results by selected fields (including optionally message text). This parameter is an array of filter conditions which are always ANDed, meaning each record must match all of them to be included in the final results. Filtering is always done before aggregating, so for example, in a query for event rate and with specified filtering by hostname, then only the events with this hostname will be reported in query results.

Every filter condition is an object with the following fields:

  • field: Name of the field to filter by, as it appears in the results.

  • value: Actual value to filter by. For fields other than timestamp, this can also be a list of possible values (only for "eq" comparison).

  • op: If the type is numeric (this includes timestamps), this can be used to define the type of comparison. It can be one of:

Operation Meaning
eq Value is an exact value to be found, this is the default when no op is specified. Also accepts a list of possible values
lt Match only records with field less than the given value
le Match only records with field less than or equal to the given value
gt Match only records with field greater than the given value
ge Match only records with field greater than or equal to the given value
qp Special operator for "message boolean syntax"
  • ignore_case: Determines whether text comparisons are case-sensitive or not. Default is True, so all text comparisons are case-insensitive. To force case-sensitive mode, set ignore_case to False.

Query Results

"Results" is always an object with one or a few fields. Usually, this is "totals" and/or "details", the first containing results for the whole period, the second an array of values for sub-periods. Both total and sub-period usually contain "ts_from" and "ts_to" timestamps, to show the exact time range that data were retrieved for, and then some "values

" or just "count".

See the description of the particular query type for details on what results contain and the results format, with some examples.

Generic Results Format for System Queries

System queries return data collected by the system regarding different system parameters and are used for displaying system widgets (that can be used later on for diagnosing system performance).

All these queries return "totals" and "details". For details, the result objects are similar to data for EventRateQuery, only there are more keys with different values (this one is from System_CPUQuery):

  "details": [
      "ts_from": 1416231300,
      "ts_to": 1416231315,
      "softirq": 0,
      "system": 8.400342,
      "idle": 374.946619,
      "user": 16.067144,
      "interrupt": 0.20001199999999997,
      "nice": 0,
      "steal": 0,
      "wait": 0.20001199999999997

For totals, instead of an array, there is a single object with keys like above, but rather than a single result value, it is a set of values:

  "system": {
    "count": 236,
    "sum": 1681.6008720000007,
    "min": 5.2671220000000005,
    "max": 9.599976,
    "avg": 7.125427423728817,
    "last": 6.400112999999999,
    "last_ts": 1416234840

Here are different kinds of aggregates for a selected time period:

Aggregate Name Meaning
count Number of known values for the given time period
sum Total of those values (used for calculating avg)
min Minimum value
max Maximum value
avg Average value (sum / count)
last Last known value from the given period
last_ts Timestamp when last known value occurred

Query Details

Show a list of event detail matching the specified search filter parameters.


  • time_range: Data are taken for this time range (periods are ignored).

  • filter: Desired filters for the search to limit the results returned.

  • sort: List of fields to sort results by; only first_occurrence, last_occurrence, and count are available. Descending sort order is indicated by prefixing the field name with a "-" (minus) sign.

  • page_size: Number of events to retrieve.

  • page: Number of pages to retrieve, used with page_size. The bigger the page number, the longer it will take to retrieve results, especially in multi-host configurations.

In the results, there are two values: totals contains the count of all items found, including sometimes "total_count" if there were more than could be retrieved; "events" contains the actual list of events in the form identical to all lists with paging - so information is provided about the number of items, number of pages, current page number, and then actual objects (current page only) under the "objects" key:

  "totals": {
    "ts_from": 1401995160,
    "ts_to": 1401995220,
    "count": 623
  "events": {
    "page_count": 7,
    "item_count": 623,
    "page_number": 1,
    "page_size": 100,
    "objects": [
        "id": 2392934923,
        "first_occurence": 1401995162.982510,
        "last_occurence": 1401995162.982510,
        "count": 1,
        "host": "router-32",
        "program": "kernel",
        "severity": 5,
        "facility": 3,
        "message": "This is some message from kernel",
        "flags": []
        "id": 2392939813,
        "first_occurence": 1401995162.990218,
        "last_occurence": 1401995164.523620,
        "count": 5,
        "host": "router-32",
        "program": "kernel",
        "severity": 5,
        "facility": 3,
        "message": "This is another message from kernel",
        "flags": ["KNOWN"]


Get the number of events per given time period - i.e., per second for the last minute, or events per day for the last month, etc. Filters can be used to get rates for a particular host, program, severity, or any combination of them. It is also used on the search results page to show a histogram for the search results.


  • time_range: Data are taken for this time range, periods are generated according to the description of this parameter. See section "Common Query Parameters".

  • filter: Extra filtering.

Results Format:

Similar to other types, there are "totals" and "details". For details, there is only "count", for "totals" there are self-explanatory aggregates (the one called "last" is just the last value from "details").

drill_up_time_range is the time range that should be used for showing a wider time period (such as if minute is selected, the whole hour will be shown, when hour is selected, it will show the whole day, etc.). It can be null as it is always limited to one day at most - so if a whole day or wider time range is chosen, the null value will be used to indicate there is no option to drill up.

  "totals": {
    "ts_from": 123450000,
    "ts_to": 123453600,
    "drill_up_time_range": {
      "ts_from": 123379200,
      "ts_to": 123465600
    "sum": 5511,
    "count": 120,
    "min": 5,
    "max": 92,
    "avg": 45.925,
    "last": 51
  "details": [
      "ts_from": 123450000,
      "ts_to": 123450060,
      "count": 41
      "ts_from": 123450060,
      "ts_to": 123450120,
      "count": 12
      "ts_from": 123450120,
      "ts_to": 123450180,
      "count": 39


Get the top N values for the specified field and period, optionally with filtering. Also optional are detailed counts for sub-periods of the specified period.


  • time_range: Data are taken for this time range.

  • field: Which field to aggregate by (defaults to "host").

  • with_subperiods: Boolean; if set, then the results will include not only data for the whole time range but also for all sub-periods.

  • top_periods: Boolean; if set, then the results will include the top N sub-periods.

  • filter: Extra filters can be specified; see "Common Query Parameters" description for details.

  • limit: This is the actual "N", that is, the number of values to retrieve.

  • show_other: This boolean enables one extra value called "other", with the sum of all remaining values from N+1 to the end of the list.

  • ignore_empty: This boolean enables ignoring empty event field/tag values (default: True).

  • subfields: Extra subfields can be specified to get detailed results.

  • subfields_limit: This is the actual "N" for subfields, that is, the number of subfield values to show.

Results Format:

First, "totals" are always included with values for the whole time period:

  "totals": {
    "ts_from": 123450000,
    "ts_to": 123453600,
    "values": [
      { "name": "host32", "count": 3245 },
      { "name": "host15", "count": 2311 },
      { "name": "localhost", "count": 1255 },

Elements are sorted from highest to lowest count, but if "show_other" is chosen then the last value is always "other" regardless of the count, which can be larger than any previous. The number of elements in "values" can be less than the "limit" parameter if not enough different values for the specified field were found in the specified time period.

If "with_subperiods" is enabled, then besides "totals" there will be "details", an array of all sub-periods:

  "details": [

ts_from": 123450000,
      "ts_to": 123450060,
      "values": [
        { "name": "host2", "count": 1 },
        { "name": "host3", "count": 10 },
        { "name": "localhost", "count": 20 },
      "total_values": [
        { "name": "host32", "count": 151 },
        { "name": "host15", "count": 35 },
        { "name": "localhost", "count": 13 },
      "total_count": 199
      "ts_from": 123450060,
      "ts_to": 123450120,
      "values": [
        { "name": "host32", "count": 42 },
        { "name": "host15", "count": 0 },
        { "name": "localhost", "count": 51 },
      "total_count": 93

In "values", the TopN value only for the specified time sub-period will be given (which may be different from the TopN of the entire period). In "total_values", there will be detailed total values for the specified time sub-period. Please note that for sub-periods, the order of "total_values" is always the same as in "totals", regardless of actual counts; also, for some entries, there can be 0 (zero) as a count (but the actual name is always present).

If "top_periods" is enabled, there will be a "top_periods" array of top (sorted by total_count) sub-periods:

  "top_periods": [
      "ts_from": 123450000,
      "ts_to": 123450060,
      "values": [
        { "name": "host32", "count": 151 },
        { "name": "host15", "count": 35 },
        { "name": "localhost", "count": 13 },
      "total_count": 199
      "ts_from": 123450060,
      "ts_to": 123450120,
      "values": [
        { "name": "host32", "count": 42 },
        { "name": "host15", "count": 0 },
        { "name": "localhost", "count": 51 },
      "total_count": 93

If "subfields" is enabled, there will be "subfields" with a counter at each detail sub-period:

  "totals": {
    "values": [
        "name": "host32",
        "count": 3245,
        "subfields": {
          "program": [
            { "name": "program1", "count": 3240 },
            { "name": "program2", "count": 5 }
          "facility": [
            { "name": 0, "count": 3000 },
            { "name": 1, "count": 240 },
            { "name": 2, "count": 5 }
  "details": [
      "values": [
          "name": "host32",
          "count": 151,
          "subfields": {
            "program": [
              { "name": "program1", "count": 150 },
              { "name": "program2", "count": 1 }
            "facility": [
              { "name": 0, "count": 100 },
              { "name": 1, "count": 50 },
              { "name": 2, "count": 1 }
  "top_periods": [
      "values": [
          "name": "host32",
          "count": 151,
          "subfields": {
            "program": [
              { "name": "program1", "count": 150 },
              { "name": "program2", "count": 1 }
            "facility": [
              { "name": 0, "count": 100 },
              { "name": 1, "count": 50 },
              { "name": 2, "count": 1 }


Get the last N values for the specified field and time period, with the number of occurrences per given time range.


  • time_range: Data are retrieved for this time range.

  • field: Which field to aggregate by.

  • filter: Filtering; see "Common Query Parameters" description.

  • limit: This is the actual "N" -- number of values to show.

Results Format:

There is always only a "totals" section, with the following content:

  "totals": {
    "ts_from": 123450000,
    "ts_to": 123453600,
    "values": [
      { "name": "host32", "count": 3245, "last_seen": 1401981776.890153 },
      { "name": "host15", "count": 5311, "last_seen": 1401981776.320121 },
      { "name": "localhost", "count": 1255, "last_seen": 1401981920.082937 },

As indicated, it is similar to "TopN", but there is also a "last_seen" field, with possibly a fractional part of a second. Also, elements are sorted by "last_seen" instead of "count". Both elements shown and counts take into account time_range and filters.


Get LogZilla event counters for the specified time period. This is similar to "EventRate", but does not allow for any filtering and returns only total counters without sub-period details.

Time Range is rounded up to full hours, so if a 1s time period is specified the result will be hourly counters.


  • time_range: Data are retrieved for this time range. Periods are generated according to the description of this parameter, see section "Common Query Parameters". Max time_range is the last 24 hours.

Results Format:

The result will be "totals" and "all_time" counters:

  • totals: Counters from the given period.

  • all_time: All-time counters.

For both, there are three keys:

  • new: Number of new items processed (not duplicates).

  • duplicates: Number of items that were found to be duplicates.

  • total: Total sum.

Sample data:

  "totals": {
    "duplicates": 25,
    "new": 75,
    "total": 100,
    "ts_to": 1441090061,
    "ts_from": 1441090001
  "all_time": {
    "duplicates": 20000,
    "new": 18000,
    "total": 20000


Get the number of events processed by LogZilla in the specified time period. Similar to the EventRates but does not allow for any filtering. Also, event timestamps are irrelevant; only the moment it was actually processed by LogZilla is used. To use this query, internal counters verbosity must be set to DEBUG (run logzilla config INTERNAL_COUNTERS_MAX_LEVEL DEBUG).


  • time_range: Data are retrieved for this time range. Periods are generated according to the description of this parameter, see section "Common Query Parameters". Max time_range is the last 24 hours.

Results Format:

Similar to other query types, there are "totals" and "details". For both, there will be an object with the time range and three keys:

  • new: Number of new items processed (not duplicates).

  • duplicates: Number of items that were found to be duplicates.

  • oot: Item ignored, because their timestamp was outside the TIME_TOLERANCE compared to the current time (this should be zero under normal circumstances).

Sample data:

  "totals": {
    "duplicates": 20,
    "oot": 5,
    "new": 75,
    "total": 100,
    "ts_to": 1441090061,
    "ts_from": 1441090001
  "details": [
      "duplicates": 10,
      "new": 5,
      "oot": 15,
      "ts_from": 1441090001,
      "ts_to": 1441090002
      "duplicates": 15,
      "new": 1,
      "oot": 10,
      "ts_from": 1441090060,
      "ts_to": 1441090061


Get the list of notification groups, with associated events.


  • sort: Order of notification groups, which can be one of "Oldest first", "Newest first", "Oldest unread first", and "Newest unread first".

  • time_range: Data are taken for this time range.

  • time_range_field: Specify the field for the time range processing. Available fields: "updated_at", "created_at", "unread_since", and "read_at".

  • is_private: Filter list by is_private flag; true or false.

  • read: Filter list by read_flag flag; true or false.

  • with_events: Add to data events information; true or false.

Sample data:

    "id": 1,
    "name": "test",
    "trigger_id": 1,
    "is_private": false,
    "read_flag": false,
    "all_count": 765481,
    "unread_count": 765481,
    "hits_count": 911282,
    "read_at": null,
    "updated_at": 1446287520,
    "created_at": 1446287520,
    "owner": {
      "id": 1,
      "username": "admin",
      "fullname": "Admin User"
    "trigger": {
      "id": 1,
      "snapshot_id": 1,
      "name": "test",
      "is_private": false,
      "send_email": false,
      "exec_script": false,
      "snmp_trap": false,
      "mark_known": false,
      "mark_actionable": false,
      "issue_notification": true,
      "add_note": false,
      "send_email_template": "",
      "script_path": "",
      "note_text": "",
      "filter": [
          "field": "message",
          "value": "NetScreen"
      "is_active": false,
      "active_since": 1446287518,
      "active_until": 1446317276,
      "updated_at": 1446317276,
      "created_at": 1446287518,
      "owner": {
        "id": 1,
        "username": "admin",
        "fullname": "Admin User"
      "hits_count": 911282,
      "last_matched": 1446317275,
      "notifications_count": 911282,
      "unread_count": 911282,
      "last_issued": 1446317275,
      "order": null


Get the list of tasks.


  • target: Filter list by assigned to, which can be assigned_to_me or all.

  • is_overdue: Filter list by is_overdue flag; true or false.

  • is_open: Filter list by is_open flag; true or false.

  • assigned_to: Filter list by assigned user id list; for an empty list, it will return only unassigned.

  • sort: List of fields to sort results by; available fields are "created_at" and "updated_at". Descending sort order is indicated by prefixing the field name with a - (minus) sign.

Sample data:

    "id": 1,
    "title": "Task name",
    "description": "Description",
    "due": 1446508799,
    "status": "new",
    "is_overdue": false,
    "is_closed": false,
    "is_open": true,
    "assigned_to": 1,
    "updated_at": 1446371434,
    "created_at": 1446371434,
    "owner": {
      "id": 1,
      "username": "admin",
      "fullname": "Admin User"


Get the LogZilla system CPU utilization statistics.


  • time_range: Data are taken for this time range; only ts_from and ts_to are used; the step is always determined by the system, depending on data available for the given period.

  • cpu: Number of CPUs (from 0 to n-1, with n being the actual number of CPU cores in the system), or 'totals' to get the sum for all CPUs.

Results Format:

This query returns CPU usage broken down by different categories:

  • user: CPU used by user applications.

  • nice: CPU used to allocate multiple processes demanding more cycles than the CPU can provide.

  • system: CPU used by the operating system itself.

  • interrupt: CPU allocated to hardware interrupts.

  • softirq: CPU servicing soft interrupts.

  • wait: CPU waiting for disk IO operations to complete.

  • steal: Xen hypervisor allocating cycles to other tasks.

  • idle: CPU not doing any work.

All of those are float numbers, which should sum to approximately 100, or with cpu param set to "totals" then to 100*n where n is the number of CPU cores.


The CPU plugin does not collect percentages. It collects "jiffies", the units of scheduling. On many Linux systems, there are circa 100 jiffies in one second, but this does not mean you will end up with a percentage. Depending on system load, hardware, whether or not the system is virtualized, and possibly half a dozen other factors, there may be more or less than 100 jiffies in one second. There is absolutely no guarantee that all states add up to 100, an absolute must for percentages.

Sample data:

The following query types follow a similar pattern for returned data:

  "details": [
      "ts_from": 1611867480,
      "ts_to": 1611867540,
      "usage_softirq": 0,
      "usage_system": 0,
      "usage_idle": 0,
      "usage_user": 0,
      "usage_irq": 0,
      "usage_nice": 0,
      "usage_steal": 0,
      "usage_iowait": 0
      "ts_from": 1611867540,
      "ts_to": 1611867600,
      "usage_softirq": 0,
      "usage_system": 0,
      "usage_idle": 0,
      "usage_user": 0,
      "usage_irq": 0,
      "usage_nice": 0,
      "usage_steal": 0,
      "usage_iowait": 0
      "ts_from": 1611870960,
      "ts_to": 1611871020,
      "usage_softirq": 1.3373717712305375,
      "usage_system": 2.1130358200960164,
      "usage_idle": 88.01073838110112,
      "usage_user": 8.521107515994341,
      "usage_irq": 0,
      "usage_nice": 0.0053355008139296,
      "usage_steal": 0,
      "usage_iowait": 0.012411010763977177
      "ts_from": 1611871020,
      "ts_to": 1611871080,
      "usage_softirq": 1.3263522984202727,
      "usage_system": 1.9636949977972675,
      "usage_idle": 88.57548790373977,
      "usage_user": 8.114988886402712,
      "usage_irq": 0,
      "usage_nice": 0.0030062024636270655,
      "usage_steal": 0,
      "usage_iowait": 0.01646971117643204
  "totals": {
    "usage_softirq": {
      "sum": 5.14695979124877,
      "last": 0,
      "count": 60,
      "min": 0,
      "max": 1.3373717712305375,
      "avg": 0.0857826631874795
    "usage_system": {
      "sum": 9.440674464879018,
      "last": 0,
      "count": 60,
      "min": 0,
      "max": 2.889874887810517,
      "avg": 0.1573445744146503
    "usage_idle": {
      "sum": 346.47517999267575,
      "last": 0,
      "count": 60,
      "min": 0,
      "max": 88.57548790373977,
      "avg": 5.774586333211262
    "usage_user": {
      "sum": 37.39057249683675,
      "last": 0,
      "count": 60,
      "min": 0,
      "max": 12.814818659484397,
      "avg": 0.6231762082806125
    "usage_irq": {
      "sum": 0,
      "last": 0,
      "count": 60,
      "min": 0,
      "max": 0,
      "avg": 0
    "usage_nice": {
      "sum": 0.05683650311556292,
      "last": 0,

      "min": 0,
      "max": 0.03198513688698273,
      "avg": 0.0009472750519260487
    "usage_steal": {
      "sum": 0,
      "last": 0,
      "count": 60,
      "min": 0,
      "max": 0,
      "avg": 0
    "usage_iowait": {
      "sum": 1.4897767512445244,
      "last": 0,
      "count": 60,
      "min": 0,
      "max": 1.3717653475044271,
      "avg": 0.024829612520742072


Get the system memory utilization statistics for the LogZilla host.


  • time_range: Data are taken for this time range; only ts_from and ts_to are used; the step is always determined by the system, depending on data available for the given period.

Results Format:

This query returns memory usage (in bytes) broken down by:

  • used: Memory used by user processes.

  • buffered: Memory used for I/O buffers.

  • cached: Memory used by disk cache.

  • free: Free memory.

Data returned is similar to System_CPU.


Get the system disk space free amounts for the LogZilla host.


  • time_range: Data are taken for this time range; only ts_from and ts_to are used; the step is always determined by the system, depending on data available for the given period.

  • fs: Filesystem to show information - "root" is always included, other possible values are system-dependent.

Results Format:

This query returns disk usage (in bytes) broken down by:

  • used: Space used by data.

  • reserved: Space reserved for root user.

  • free: Free disk space.

Data returned is similar to System_CPU.


Get the system IO operations per second for the LogZilla host.


  • time_range: Data are taken for this time range; only ts_from and ts_to are used; the step is always determined by the system, depending on data available for the given period.

Results Format:

This query returns the read/write counts for each sub-period and then the totals for sum/last/count/min/max/average.

  • writes: Write IO operations per second.

  • reads: Read IO operations per second.

Data returned is similar to System_CPU.


Get system network utilization statistics for the LogZilla host.


  • time_range: Data are taken for this time range; only ts_from and ts_to are used; the step is always determined by the system, depending on data available for the given period.

  • interface: Network interface to show data from; usually, there's "lo" for loopback interface, others are system-dependent.

Results Format:

This query returns the following data for the selected network interface:

  • if_packets.tx: Number of packets transferred.

  • if_packets.rx: Number of packets received.

  • if_octets.tx: Number of octets (bytes) transferred.

  • if_octets.rx: Number of octets (bytes) received.

  • if_errors.tx: Number of transmit errors.

  • if_errors.rx: Number of receive errors.

Data returned is similar to System_CPU.


Get system network error counts for the LogZilla host.


  • time_range: Data are taken for this time range; only ts_from and ts_to are used; the step is always determined by the system, depending on data available for the given period.

  • interface: Network interface to show data from; usually, there's "lo" for loopback interface, others are system-dependent.

Results Format:

This query returns the following data for the selected network interface:

  • drop_in: Number of incoming packets dropped.

  • drop_out: Number of outgoing packets dropped.

  • err_in: Number of incoming errored packets.

  • err_out: Number of outgoing errored packets.

Data returned is similar to System_CPU.

Subquery Use Case

One customer asked:

  • "How can we generate a weekly Excel report to get top 20 devices by total message count, filtered on high severity, and then list each host's topN severities?"

Our team wanted to make this easy for them, so we provided the following steps and felt it might be useful to others if added to our docs:

  1. Make sure you are root:
sudo su -
  1. Create a file (e.g., on your LogZilla server with the following content:

# Ensure the script is run as root
if [ "$(id -u)" -ne 0 ]; then
    echo "This script must be run as root. Please switch to root using 'sudo su -' and try again."
    exit 1

# Check if LOGZILLA_API_KEY is set in root's .bashrc
if ! grep -q "LOGZILLA_API_KEY" /root/.bashrc; then
    echo "LOGZILLA_API_KEY is not set in /root/.bashrc."
    echo "Please run 'logzilla authtoken list' to retrieve your API key."
    echo "Add 'LOGZILLA_API_KEY=your_api_key' to /root/.bashrc, replace 'your_api_key' with the actual key."
    echo "Then run 'source /root/.bashrc' to apply the changes and re-run this script."
    exit 1

# Create the cron job
echo "Adding the following to '/etc/cron.d/logzilla-daily-report':"
echo "0 6 * * * root logzilla query -t TopN -P \${HOME}/.logzilla-topn-report.json --output-file /tmp/top20_devices_with_severities.xlsx --format xlsx -a \${LOGZILLA_API_KEY}" | tee /etc/cron.d/logzilla-daily-report

# Create the .logzilla-topn-report.json configuration file
cat <<EOL > /root/.logzilla-topn-report.json
    "field": "host",
    "limit": 20,
    "time_range": {
        "preset": "last_24_hours"
    "filter": [
        { "field": "severity", "value": [0, 1, 2, 3] }
    "subfields": ["severity"],
    "subfields_limit": 20
  1. Run the script:
bash ./

This will result in an /etc/cron.d/logzilla-daily-report file that will automatically generate the Excel report on a weekly basis.