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Docker Containers Used by LogZilla

LogZilla operates by means of multiple docker containers handling various facets of its operation. The following are the containers used:

Container Name Purpose
lz_aggregatesmodule-1 provides aggregates for events
lz_celerybeat advances the internal task queue
lz_celeryworker controls the execution of LogZilla modules
lz_dictionarymodule handles user tags
lz_etcd configuration data for use by all containers
lz_feeder sends batch data from file to LogZilla
lz_forwardermodule forwards events (for ex. after deduping)
lz_front LogZilla web UI
lz_gunicorn hosting of the API
lz_influxdb processed log/event data storage
lz_logcollector collects and combines logs from the various LogZilla containers
lz_mailer mail send service
lz_parsermodule parses log events against rules
lz_postgres permanent data storage (dashboards, triggers, rules, etc.)
lz_queryeventsmodule-1 handles query Lifecycle
lz_queryupdatemodule updates redis with query results
lz_redis in-memory data storage of temp data like query results
lz_sec simple event correlator
lz_storagemodule-1 read/write activities on event data
lz_syslog handling of incoming syslog events
lz_telegraf maintains metrics of LogZilla performance
lz_tornado API websocket support
lz_triggerexec-1234567890 example of a dynamic container used to run custom scripts
lz_triggersactionmodule triggers handling
lz_watcher monitors and maintains the LogZilla docker containers