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Syslog Module

The Forwarder module allows forwarding all or specific matched events to a downstream log receiver. This downstream log receiver is not required to be a syslog destination; other destination types are supported in addition to syslog: file, splunk-hec, and snmp.

Enable The Module

To enable the Forwarder Module enter the following command in the LogZilla servers console/ssh terminal:

logzilla config FORWARDER_ENABLED 1

1. Configure rule(s)

LogZilla uses a main forwarder configuration file, which contains configuration options that take effect for all forwarders, and can contain definitions for one or more specific individual forwarders. LogZilla also allows individual forwarder configurations for multiple forwarding rules to be separated into individual files for easier administration.

Examples of the Main Forwarder Configuration File

Here are some sample configurations for the main forwarder configuration file:

Forward to host A
window_size: 60
- type: syslog
  transport: tcp
  unsent_buffer_limit: 250000
  protocol: rfc5424
  - match:
      field: counter
      op: gt
      value: 1
      message: $MESSAGE LZ_Forwarded_For="$HOST" LZ_dedupCount="$COUNTER"
  - match:
      field: counter
      op: le
      value: 1
      message: $MESSAGE LZ_Forwarded_For="$HOST"
fast_forward_first: true
Forward to host B
window_size: 60
- type: syslog
  transport: udp
  protocol: bsd
  - match:
      field: counter
      op: gt
      value: 1
      message: $MESSAGE LZ_Forwarded_For="$HOST" LZ_dedupCount="$COUNTER"
  - match:
      field: counter
      op: le
      value: 1
      message: $MESSAGE LZ_Forwarded_For="$HOST"
fast_forward_first: true
Forward to file
window_size: 1
fast_forward_first: true
- match:
    field: cisco_mnemonic
    value: BGP-5-ADJCHANGE
  type: file
  target: "/var/log/logzilla/sec/simple.log"
  format: tsv
  separator: "\t"
  - last_occurrence
  - host
  - message

Examples of Individual Forwarder Configuration Files

Individual forwarder configuration files can be used. Each file (with any name) defines a particular forwarder configuration, one forwarder per file, using the same syntax and options as specified in the forwarders configuration element as explained above.

For example, non-dedup.yaml might contain the following:

window_size: 0
type: file
path: /var/log/logzilla/non-dedup.log
IMPORTANT: LZ_Forwarded_For

Downstream receivers such as Splunk (See Forwarding to Splunk) will need to know which host the event originated from. This rule adds a key/value pair for the downstream systems to parse and use as the original sending host. Otherwise, all events would appear to come from your local LogZilla server.

Forwarder Main Configuration

These are the fields that go in the main forwarder.yaml file (JSON format is also supported, in which case end it in .json):

match This is a filter that defines which events should be forwarded - its syntax is exactly the same like the one used in rewrite rules Match Conditions in Rewrite Rules. This is a global filter, affecting all forwarders; it can also be set in individual forwarders.

window_size This is the default value of window_size, if not given for a particular forwarder. It is the time in seconds of keeping every message while looking for its duplicates. The higher number set here, the better deduplication will work, but also the longer delay will be introduced (every message is kept for as much seconds before being forwarded to defined target). Setting this to 0 disables deduplication completely.

fast_forward_first The default value of fast_forward_first, if not given for particular forwarder. This defines the behavior for the first unique occurrence in the window. When true (default), the first occurrence will be forwarded without delay, while all following duplicates will be collected and forwarded at the end of the window. When false, first occurrence will be deduped alongside all the duplicates that follow.

forwarders This section defines forwarders. Multiple forwarders and mixing Syslog and SNMP trap destinations may be used. Every element of the forwarders table has a mandatory field type which defines what type of forwarder it is - currently snmp and syslog are supported. Other fields depend on the forwarder type

For example, the following would forward to both an SNMP Trap receiver and a Syslog receiver:

- oid_map:
  - oid: ".1.2.0"
    src: facility
    type: s
  - oid: ".1.3.0"
    src: severity
    type: i
  - oid: ".1.4.0"
    src: cisco_mnemonic
    type: s
  - oid: ".1.5.0"
    src: message
    type: s
  - oid: ".1.99.0"
    src: counter
    type: i
  target: snmp-server:162
  type: snmp
- protocol: bsd
  - match:
      field: counter
      op: gt
      value: 1
      message: "$MESSAGE LZ_dedupCount=$COUNTER"
  target: central-log-collector:514
  transport: tcp
  type: syslog

Configuration for Each Forwarder

Every element of forwarders array has two mandatory fields: type and target. Each type might have more mandatory fields. Supported types: splunk-hec, snmp, syslog, file

Common Options

The following options can be used in every forwarder type:

match As explained above, the filter. Only events matching this filter will be forwarded

window_size As explained above, this is the time in seconds of keeping every message while looking for its duplicates. The higher number set here, the better deduplication will work, but also the longer delay will be introduced (every message is kept for as much seconds before being forwarded to defined target). Setting this to 0 disables deduplication completely.

fast_forward_first As explained above, this defines the behavior for the first unique occurrence in the window. When true (default), the first occurrence will be forwarded without delay, while all following duplicates will be collected and forwarded at the end of the window. When false, first occurrence will be deduped alongside all the duplicates that follow.

rules This allows you to use rules in the same way as for rewrite rules. You can specify any list of rules, that will be applied to the event in order before it is forwarded - and which can update its fields. See Rewrite Rules for details on rewrite rules.

Forwarder Options for Particular Forwarder Types


target This is host and port of the target syslog server.

transport Either tcp or udp.

unsent_buffer_limit The maximum number of events (post predup) that will be buffered in case the destination is down. If the destination comes back up before overflowing, events will be forwarded in the original order. Otherwise, the buffer is emptied. Defaults to 25000. Applies only to tcp transport. Note that buffering is enabled after the forwarder realizes that the destination is down, which might be significantly later depending on network communication.

protocol Either bsd for the classic (RFC3164) protocol or the newer rfc5424 protocol

octet_count Use the octet counting framing method for sending messages.


This forwarder saves all forwarded events in a file, in json or TSV format, one line per event.

target The path to the file where events are to be saved. This is a path in the container lz_forwarder_module, so this file can be accessed with docker cp or via logzilla shell -c forwarder. Previously known as path, which is still supported for backward compatibility. Also, if desired, this file can be saved directly on the host file system if the file is put in a path inside the /var/log/logzilla/ directory, because that directory (and subdirectories) is shared between the host and the LogZilla docker container.

format Defaults to json, in which case it always save whole event. Another option is tsv which uses tab separated values, but other separators can be specified (defaults to TAB); with TSV format a list of fields that are written to output file can be provided.

separator For the TSV format this is the string used to separate fields (defaults to TAB).

fields The array of fields to be written in TSV format (defaults to ["host", "program", "message"]).

rotate_period The time in seconds after which log file will be renamed with .0 appended (so if it’s fwd.log it will become fwd.log.0), and then the original path will be reopened as an empty file. As appropriate, each previous .0 file will overwritten so there is always no more than just two log files - the previous and the current one. The default value of 0 disables rotation completely.


This forwarder sends events in JSON format to Splunk HTTP Event Collector. The receiving splunk instance should be configured to: have a Splunk HEC source enabled; have a HEC token; globally enable HTTP source; and disable SSL (for now only http is supported) You can configure all of these under this link (tested on splunk 8.0.1).

target The address in the format HOST, HOST:PORT or http://HOST:PORT, where HOST and PORT are replaced with the actual values of the host name and TCP/UDP port. If PORT is omitted, the default splunk value of 8085 is used. HTTPS is not supported for now.

token The HEC token as specified in Splunk.


This forwarder sends an SNMP Trap for each matching event. A list of variables that will be added to the trap can be defined, with values copied from the particular fields of event.

target This is the host and port of the SNMP server.

trap_oid This will be set as the type of outgoing SNMP trap.

oid_prefix Whenever oid in the map starts with a dot, it will be prefixed with this prefix.

oid_map This is the list of variables that will be added to the trap. For every variable you define:

type For now only i (32 bit integer) and s (string) are supported.

oid The object id of this variable; if it starts with a dot then it is prefixed with oid_prefix.

src The name of the event field variable in which the value will be set.

value if no src is defined, a constant can be configured here that will be copied for this value.

2. Add the Forwarder Configuration(s)

There are two methods to enable the desired forwarder.yaml (or forwarder.json) file: using the logzilla command line utility; or manually placing the file in the appropriate directory.

The first option is accomplished by issuing the command line logzilla forwarder -I NEW_CONFIG, where NEW_CONFIG is the name of the desired forwarder configuration file (in this usage, the forwarder configuration file may but does not have to be name forwarder.yaml/forwarder.json).

The second option is accomplished by placing the forwarder.yaml or forwarder.json file in the appropriate directory:

cp forwarder.yaml /etc/logzilla

Note that there are two places individual forwarders can be configured: either in the main forwarder.yaml/forwarder.json file, as specified above; or in individual forwarder configuration files. The former case is as explained above in the forwarders element.

If individual forwarder configuration files are to be used, each individual forwarder configuration file must be placed in the /etc/logzilla/forwarder.d directory:

cp non-dedup.yaml /etc/logzilla/forwarder.d

3. Restart LogZilla Modules to Enable New Configurations

In order for a new or changed forwarder configuration to take effect, the forwarder and parser modules must be restarted, as follows:

logzilla restart -c forwardermodule 
logzilla restart -c parsermodule