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HTTP Event Receiver

LogZilla has a "universal" facility to receive events via HTTP. This is called "universal" because it is not specific to any particular scenario -- it is intended to be used with custom integrations.

LogZilla listens for incoming events via HTTP to its standard HTTP port (configured by logzilla config HTTP_PORT, see section 4.8 Backend Configuration Options), at path /incoming.

Structured JSON Data Format

Recommended format of incoming data allows for best performance, as multiple events can be sent in single request. The events sent to LogZilla should to be formatted as JSON, with structure:

  "events": [
    // event1,
    // event2,
    // etc.

As the JSON array notation indicates, more than one event message can be sent per transmission, if desired. Then each event should have structure:

  "host": "",
  "program": "testprogram",
  "message": "this is the message",
  "extra_fields": {
      "city": "Atlanta",
      "state": "Georgia"

Data Contents

The event fields that can be sent to LogZilla via HTTP are:

Field Description
host the originating host of the log message
program the program that generated the log message
severity the RFC-3164 severity of the event in the message
facility the RFC-3164 facility of the event in the message
extra_fields individual fields that will be available to the LogZilla rule

Unstructured JSON Data Format

If it's not possible to use the structured JSON format, then the raw JSON can be sent, by using /incoming/raw path. In this case, the JSON can contain any values, and it will be in the extra_fields of the message, and also in the serialized form in the message field. The host will be set to the IP address of the sender, and the program will be set to http_receiver.

This case is usually used with cooperation with some rules (usually from an app) that will extract interested fields from extra_fields and create appropriate event, depending on the actual content.

You can also use any subpath of /incoming/raw, like for example /incoming/raw/app1. The subpath will be available in the extra_fields._url_path field - in this example it will be /app1. This can be used in the rules to recognize events from different sources.


When sending events to LogZilla (either as structured or non-structured JSON), the API key (with the appropriate header) must be used. This is documented in Obtaining an Auth Token.

NOTE: after generating an authorization token the LogZilla HTTP receiver module must be restarted This can be accomplished either via standard logzilla restart or by restarting just the HTTP receiver module:

logzilla restart -c httpreceiver

Upon successful receipt of a JSON events data element, the HTTP receiver will respond with HTTP status code 200 and message:

{"status": "ok"}


An example curl command using structured JSON:

curl \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: token 7ce02b52bfb225a2b4a0ef992b4c2afe9dc10853aecf97f6' \
  -X POST -d  '{
      "events": [ { 
        "message": "Test Message", 
        "host": "curl.test", 
        "program": "myapp", 
        "extra_fields": { "city": "Atlanta", "state": "Georgia" }
      } ] }' \

An example of using unstructured JSON:

curl \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: token 7ce02b52bfb225a2b4a0ef992b4c2afe9dc10853aecf97f6' \
  -X POST -d  '{"foo": "bar"}'

In the latter case, the event will be created with host set to the IP address of the sender, program set to http_receiver, and message set to the {"foo": "bar"} string. Also the will contain bar and extra_fields._url_path will contain /testapp.