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The PAN-OS sources must be configured properly in order for these rules to work.

  1. Configure the device to include its IP address in the header of Syslog messages, select Panorama/Device > Setup > Management, click the Edit icon in the Logging and Reporting Settings section, and navigate to the Log Export and Reporting tab. In the Syslog HOSTNAME Format drop-down select ipv4-address, then click OK.

  2. Select Server Profiles > Syslog click Add

  3. Enter a server profile Name and Location (location refers to a virtual system if the device is enabled for virtual systems).

  4. In the Servers tab, click Add and enter a Name, IP address (Syslog Server field), Transport, Port (default 514 for UDP), and Facility (default LOG_USER) for the Syslog server.

  5. Select the Custom Log Format tab and select Threat, then paste the following values in the Custom Log Format area:

    PaloAlto_Threat type="$type" src="$src" dst="$dst" rule="$rule" srcuser="$srcuser" sessionid="$sessionid" action="$action" misc="$misc" dstloc="$dstloc" referer="$referer" http_method="$http_method" http_headers="$http_headers"
  6. Select the Custom Log Format tab and select Threat, then paste the following values in the Custom Log Format area:

    PaloAlto_Threat type="$type" src="$src" dst="$dst" rule="$rule" srcuser="$srcuser" sessionid="$sessionid" action="$action" misc="$misc" dstloc="$dstloc" referer="$referer" http_method="$http_method" http_headers="$http_headers"
  7. Select the Custom Log Format tab and select Traffic, then paste the following values in the Custom Log Format area:

    PaloAlto_Traffic type="$type" src="$src" dst="$dst" natsrc="$natsrc" natdst="$natdst" rule="$rule" srcuser="$srcuser" from="$from" to="$to" sessionid="$sessionid" sport="$sport" dport="$dport" natsport="$natsport" natdport="$natdport" proto="$proto" action="$action" bytes="$bytes" packets="$packets" dstloc="$dstloc" action_source="$action_source"

    Save and commit your changes.

LogZilla Rules and Dashboards

We have provided rules and dashboards for PaloAlto in the LogZilla appstore. These rules and dashboards are installed by navigating to the Settings -> App store on your server.

Add the PaloAlto app to enable the rule.

Install Juniper appstore app

After installation, your dashboards will look similar to this:

Threat Dashboard

PAN-OS Threats

Traffic Dashboard

PAN-OS Threats